You are here: Foswiki>ABI Web>VariantDetection>VocabularyAnneKatrin (12 Feb 2010, AnneKatrinEmde)Edit Attach

Page VocabularyAnneKatrin

Here I collect pieces of information and "vocabulary" that at some point seemed important.

Mixture Models

In statistics, a probability mixture model is a probability distribution that is a convex combination of other probability distributions.

--> Gaussian mixture model: mixture of Gaussians with different means and/or variances

A mixture model can be regarded as a type of unsupervised learning or clustering. Mixture models should not be confused with models for compositional data, i.e., data whose components are constrained to sum to a constant value (1, 100%, etc.).

Section 2



Topic revision: r1 - 12 Feb 2010, AnneKatrinEmde - This page was cached on 23 Feb 2025 - 06:57.

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