Page ThesisMCRazerVersions

Version of Parallel RazerS:

Number Revision Remarks
1.0 5414 With smaller critical reagion, Option to set the number of threads
1.3 5630 matches in timer
1.4.1 5798 fexible verification, parallel for, scetions
1.4.2 5799 fexible verification, parallel tasks 5812 parallel around while 5813 while around parallel
1.5   Collect hits in parallel, the split up and verify without communication between threads
1.5.1 5929 Sort all hits and partition them
1.5.2 5935 Get length of the sortest hit string (l). Copy all hits that exceed this number in the first string. sort only this hits and partition them. each thread verifies the first l hits of its own string and its partition of the first string.
1.5.3 not yet Start verifying all hits. Stop if first one is done. Copy remaining hits in one String. Sort. Partition.
1.6.3 6853 separate pattern and state, do not compact thread stores, push matches to main store after each window, compact main store
6854 append to main store at the end of ref, one options object, switched off compact for local stores
Topic revision: r7 - 19 Jun 2010, mriese - This page was cached on 10 Mar 2025 - 15:24.

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