Page ThesisMCRazerSpeedOA

what was the used q here? Can you make for a first estimate q =10, q=14, q=22 (f course only in open adressing?) Next question would be, whether using large q speeds razerS up.

standard open addressing (a = 1.5) open addressing (a = 1.6) open addressing (a = 1.7) open addressing (a = 2.0)
10.000 Reads, chr 22, -id
time 2242.52 sec 2282.57 sec 2040.16 sec 2102.29 sec 1992.64 sec
memory heap total: 199306755899
heap peak: 103846419
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 199301573573
heap peak: 98664091
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 163162548183
heap peak: 99437304
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 163163321175
heap peak: 100210296
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 163165640151
heap peak: 102529272
stack peak: 17112
500 Reads, chr 22, -id
time 21.9873 sec 42.7103 sec 28.5732 sec 27.5213 sec 26.2341 sec
memory heap total: 1027728381
heap peak: 93244913
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 782373561
heap peak: 77052422
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 782412537
heap peak: 77091398
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 782451501
heap peak: 77130362
stack peak: 17112
heap total: 782568393
heap peak: 77247254
stack peak: 17112

  • q = 11
  • a = load factor (alpha)
  • Reads are from: SRR006387.fastq_1.00000
Topic revision: r7 - 14 Mar 2010, mriese - This page was cached on 10 Mar 2025 - 09:20.

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