You are here: Foswiki>ABI Web>ThesesHome>SuffixArrayConstruction (30 May 2018, cpockrandt)Edit Attach

Implementation of Suffix Array Construction Algorithms

The SDSL (Succinct Data Structure Library) has various implementations of string indices based on suffix arrays. It is currently using third-party algorithms for suffix array construction. This thesis aims at designing an interface for choosing between different construction algorithms and implementing two differnet algorithms.

  • The first algorithm (parallelized radix in-place sorting algorithm) is already implemented in SeqAn2 and has to be adapted to the SDSL
  • The second algorithm can be a state-of-the-art algorithm of the students choice (in consultation with the advisor)

Both algorithms will have to be tested and evaluated (also against the third-party construction algorithm of the SDSL)

For questions, please contact (Takustr. 9, Room 010). This topic can also be handed out for a Bachelor thesis (implementing only one algorithm)


Topic revision: r1 - 30 May 2018, cpockrandt - This page was cached on 09 Mar 2025 - 23:26.

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