

Metagenomics is the study of genetic material (metagenome) recovered directly from environmental samples. In these environmental samples the genetic information of mul- tiple microorganisms is present simultaneously and, unlike traditional genomics which relies on cultivated and cloned cultures, metagenomics focuses on sequencing the DNA of the whole diversity of organisms in vivo and without in vitro cultivation. The three basic questions metagenomics aim to answer are:

  • Who is there?: Identify which are the microorganisms that are living in that specific sample and in what proportion are they living there.

  • What are they doing?: Identify which are the functional and metabolic potential of the microbes in the community

  • What is their role? What are the effects of this organism to the environment, especially when the host environment is the human body. Are they involved in the pathogenesis of specific diseases? Are they a risk factor for inflammation.

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Topic revision: r3 - 20 Mar 2014, dadi - This page was cached on 12 Mar 2025 - 11:47.

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