Page QuantProtP4_Fingerprint

Project Planning for QuantProtP4 - Mass fingerprinting

(1) Digestion of protein sequences

- Naive tryptic digestion (split after every K,R - consider c-terminal P)

- Proteolytic incomplete digestion - with a certain percentage, not every fragment is digested at K or R

(- Tryptic digestion of K,R and only modified C's) missing references for digestion of C, hence it was excluded


(2) Post-translational modifications

- Some modifications taken from were used for post-translational modifications


(3) Comparison of feature mass and quality values with theoretical mass and their distance


(4) Mass decimal plot



why split after "C"?

-- ChrisBielow - 16 Jun 2010

This topic: ABI > WebHome > LectureWiki > AdvancedAlgorithms > QuantProtP4 > QuantProtP4_Fingerprint
Topic revision: 19 Jul 2010, cstandfu
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