Forschungsmodul: Proteomics VL+UE (WiSe 2014)
Welcome to the Wiki of the MSc lecture
Proteomics (VL: 19400901, UE: 19400902)
In this lecture we will cover the basics of HPLC/MS data generation as well as methods and algorithms for peptide and protein identificaiton and quantitative proteomics. In addition, we will cover statistical methods for assessing the significance of the results.
- The lab excursion will take place at Max Planck Institute for Moleculer Genetics (Ihnestr. 73, 14195). We will meet in front of the institute (new building, tower 4) at 1 p.m. on 04.11.2014. It will take at maximum 3 hours.
- 6.11.2014: There is an error in exercise sheet 2. Please look on the page of Lecture 2 for more info.
- Do not forget to consider watching the lectures at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen for another view/different explanations on the concepts of the lecture. Complete lecture given by Oliver Kohlbacher et al.
- The first review will take place tomorrow at 14:15 in Takustr. 9 room SR 053. Please be there at 14:00. You should bring a basic calculator but might also be good without one. The planned duration is 60 minutes. See you tomorrow.
- Results of the first review are now online on the bottom of the page!
- We added solutions to exercise 8
- Results of the second review are online. Students scoring in the range of 45-50% may contact the exercise instructors for a reexamination.
SWS: 2+1
Lecturer: Knut Reinert
Exercises: Julianus Pfeuffer, Xiao Liang
Language: English
Requirements for "Aktive Teilnahme"
Have over 50% of the points in reviews.
Times and Places
Date |
Lecture |
Lecturer |
05.12.2014 |
Review 1 (during exercises) |
18.11.-02.12. |
Quantitative Proteomics |
09.10.-13.01. |
Peptide and Protein ID |
27.01.-10.02. |
Metabolites |
13.01.2015 |
Lecture 9: Protein inference |
Reinert |
06.01.2015 |
Lecture 8: Peptide ID II: de novo ID I |
Reinert |
09.12.2014 |
Lecture 7: Peptide ID I: DB search |
Reinert |
02.12.2014 |
Lecture 6: Quant III: MRM, SWATH |
Reinert |
25.11.2014 |
Lecture 5: Quant II: LFQ, SILAC |
Reinert |
18.11.2014 |
Lecture 4: Quant I: concepts, isobaric tags |
Reinert |
11.11.2014 |
Lecture 3: Basic statistics for computational MS |
Reinert |
28.10.2014 |
Lecture 2: Chromatography and mass spectrometry |
Reinert |
21.10.2014 |
Lecture 1: Intro to Proteomics & Metabolomics |
Reinert |
10.02.2015 |
Lecture 12: Metabolite quantification |
Reinert |
27.01.2014 |
Lecture 11: Metabolite ID |
Reinert |
20.01.2015 |
Lecture 10: Post-translational modifications |
Reinert |
14.10.2014 |
Lecture 0: Admin/Intro |
Reinert |
04.11.2014 |
Lab excursion (MPI) |
Pfeuffer/Liang |
14.10.-16.10. |
Basics |
03.02.2014 |
2nd review (during lecture time) |
Results Review 1
MatrNr |
Pts |
4453598 |
91 |
4477260 |
94 |
4377500 |
58 |
4179384 |
45 |
4312427 |
26 |
4278301 |
44 |
Results Review 2
MatrNr |
Pts |
4453598 |
39 |
4477260 |
31 |
4377500 |
81 |
4179384 |
75 |
4312427 |
00 |
4278301 |
47 |