Learning units Learning unit 8A/B to De novo peptide identification and algorithmic concepts Learning unit 8C to De novo ID with Antilope Learning unit 8D to Comp...
Learning units No learning units for the introductory lecture. Please see the materials for Lecture 1 for the first units. Lectures 00_CPM_WS14_Introduction 00_C...
Learning units Learning unit 10A to Protein post translational modifications Learning unit 10B to Exptl. techniques for phosphoproteomics Learning unit 10C to Alg...
Learning units Learning unit 11A to Metabolomics and Metabolites Learning unit 11B to Metabolite Databases Learning unit 11C to Metabolite ID via Spectral Matchin...
Learning units Learning unit 1A to Introduction to Proteomics and Metabolomics Learning unit 1B to Overview of separation techniques Learning unit 1C to Introduct...
Learning units Learning unit 2A to Chromatography (updated) Learning unit 2B to Mass spectrometry Lecture slides Lecture slides Exercises Exercises about separ...
Learning units Learning unit 3A to Basic Statistics Learning unit 3B to Mixture Models and EM Algorithm Lecture slides Lecture slides (PPT) Lecture slides (PDF...
Learning units Learning unit 4A to Basic Analytical Chemistry Learning unit 4B to Quantification strategies (SWATH, TMT, MRM/AQUA, … ) Learning unit 4C to Isoba...
Learning units Learning unit 5A to Label free quantification Learning unit 5B to Map alignment Learning unit 5C to SILAC quantification Lecture slides Lecture s...
Learning units Learning unit 6A to SRM/MRM Learning unit 6B to MRM and Skyline (Tool) Learning unit 6C to SWATH and OpenSWATH (Tool) Lecture slides Lecture slid...
Learning units Learning unit 7A to Peptide database search Learning unit 7B to Tools for database earch (Tool) Learning unit 7C to FDR estimation Learning unit 7D...
Learning units Learning unit 9A to Protein inference problem Learning unit 9B to ProteinProphet Learning unit 9C to Protein FDR estimates Lecture slides Lecture...