redid single end read simulation (compared with GSNAP, BWA)
added anchored split mapping feature (compared with Pindel)
added support for SAM input/output
submitted paper
Ongoing data analysis projects:
Gene fusions in 454 RNA-Seq data (Lena Feldhahn, Tübingen)
Targeted resequencing data from human heart, 454 data (Marcel Grunert, MPI)
Resequencing projects of Ropers department (X-linked mental retardation is done → paper submitted?)
Helped Manuel with benchmark paper
Reviewed ReadDB paper
Seqan Release 1.3
Goals for the next six months
Thesis: Write up split mapping methods and results (possibly also parts of previous work)
Work on SnpStore (+ write up as much as already possible):
compare with Dindel, samtools + SRMA/BAQ
no other tool really does multi-read realignments, but always reads are realigned to candidate "haplotypes" which are built from pairwise alignments and are static (maybe SnpStore worth a paper?)
possibly improve realignment scoring (reads weighted by quality?)
add basic 454 indel calling model
With Birte: MultiSplitMapping with STELLAR (maybe with Kathrin Trappe?) (K:yes)
Integrate allele-separation in SnpStore + add a allele-specific pile up correction --> should increase sensitivity (K: maybe talk to Leon Kuchenbecker)