Progress report
Accomplishments in the last six months:
Ongoing data analysis projects:
SeqAn maintenance/ tutoring:
Goals for the next six months
Accomplishments in the last six months:
Read many papers on variant detection, notes taken
Implemented (and bug-fixed various times) split-read mapping (hamming/edit), integrated into MPI-variant-detection-pipeline
Integrated realignment into snp calling (but still not really giving the expected results... TODO!)
Ongoing data analysis projects:
Resequencing projects of Ropers department
Mutation detection in miRNA (Marcel Grunert)
Gene fusions in 454 RNA-Seq data (Lena Feldhahn, Tübingen)
SeqAn maintenance/ tutoring:
Tutorial + some code documenting/cleaning
Tutored Master thesis “Methods for multi-read assignment”
Tutoring Master thesis “Detection of copy number variations”
Goals for the next six months
Evaluation of variation detection methods (especially indel detection with split reads)
Make poster (ISMB)
With Birte: Spliced mapping with local swift (multiply spliced reads)
Paper about split mapping (or two papers?)
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This topic: ABI
Topic revision:
15 Apr 2010,
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