Page OptimizationWS12

Welcome to the Wiki of the MSc lecture Optimization.


(27.3.2013)The 2nd exam (together with Discrete Mathematics for Bioinformatics (P1)) will take place on May 3rd (10-12, Taku 9, SR055)

General Information

SWS: 3+2 ECTS: 6
Lecturers: Alexander Bockmayr, Knut Reinert
Exercises: Sandro Andreotti
Language: English

Results Exam 1


Matr. Pts. Mark
xxx9870 45,5 3,7
xxx6620 67 2,0
xxx5525 48,5 3,3
xxx9371 59 2,3
xxx938 9,5 5,0
xxx3346 80,5 1,0
xxx7470 62,5 2,3
xxx2657 65 2,0
xxx4257 68,5 1,7
xxx6903 40,5 4,0
xxx5789 66 2,0
xxx5985 25,5 5,0
xxx831 10,5 5,0
xxx4123 55 2,7
xxx2596 39 4,0
xxx5174 52 3,0
xxx7797 23 5,0
xxx9991 38,5 4,0
xxx1308 30,5 5,0
xxx964 59 2,3
xxx8301 14 5,0
xxx7500 24,5 5,0

Discrete Mathematics for Bioinformatics (P1)

Matr. Pts. Mark
xxx343 63,5 2,3
xxx1290 0 5,0
xxx956 46 3,7
xxx1170 46,5 3,7
xxx2077 44 4,0
xxx4170 26,5 5,0
xxx3282 44,5 3,7
xxx1288 46,5 3,7

Results Exam 2


Matr. Pts. Mark
xxx938 31 5,0
xxx5985 19 5,0
xxx7797 30 5,0
xxx1308 35,5 5,0
xxx8301 27,5 5,0
xxx7500 59,5 2,3
xxx2117 60 2,3

Discrete Mathematics for Bioinformatics (P1)

Matr. Pts. Mark
xxx1290 37 5,0
xxx4170 41 4,0
xxx2442 26 5,0

Dates + Location

Start: 11 December 2012, Finish: 14 February 2013

Event Day Time Address Room
Lecture Tue 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR006
Lecture Thu 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR006
Exercise Mon 12-14 Takustr. 9 SR 006
Exercise Fri 12-14 Takustr. 9 SR 005


  • Linear optimization, polyhedra, Simplex algorithm, duality
  • Integer linear optimization, branch and bound, cutting planes, branch and cut
  • Constraint programming
  • Local search and metaheuristics
  • Polynomial approximation of NP-hard optimization problems


Date Lecture Lecturer
11.12.-08.01. Linear Optimization  
11.12.2012 Lecture 1: Introduction to linear optimization Bockmayr
13.12.2012 Lecture 2: Polyhedra and Simplex algorithm Bockmayr
18.12.2012 Lecture 3: Simplex algorithm, application to metabolic networks Bockmayr
20.12.2012 Lecture 4: Duality, complexity of LP Bockmayr
08.01.-24.01. Integer Linear Optimization  
08.01.2013 Lecture 5: ILP - Introduction Reinert
10.01.2013 Lecture 6: ILP - Modelling Reinert
15.01.2013 Lecture 7: ILP - Branch-and-Cut I Reinert
17.01.2013 Lecture 8: ILP - Branch-and-Cut II Reinert
21.01.2013 Review 1 (during exercises)  
22.01.2013 Lecture 9: ILP - Lagrange I Reinert
24.01.2013 Lecture 10: ILP - Lagrange II Reinert
29.01.-12.02. Constraint Programming and Metaheuristics  
29.01.2013 Lecture 11: Constraint programming I Bockmayr
31.01.2013 Lecture 12: Constraint programming II Bockmayr
05.02.2013 Lecture 13: Constraint and integer programming Bockmayr
07.02.2013 Lecture 14: Local search and metaheuristics I Bockmayr
08.02.2013 Review 2 (during exercises)  
12.02.2013 Lecture 15: Local search and metaheuristics II Bockmayr
14.02.2013 Exam  

Additional Material

In this wiki you find additional material for the lectures and exercises (send your wiki login name to Sandro to get access): AdditionalMaterial


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Nr. Link Discussion
1 Exercise1.pdf 17.12.2012
2 Exercise2.pdf 7.1.2013
3 Exercise3.pdf 14.1.2013
4 Exercise4.pdf 28.1.2013
5 Exercise5.pdf 4.2.2013
6 Exercise6.pdf 11.2.2013


Results Review 1

Results Review 2

Students having a total of between 40 and 49 Pts please contact Sandro


Requirements for Aktive Teilnahme

You have to hand in 75% of all practical assignments. (You have to show reasonable programs and be able to explain them.)

In addition, you need to reach a minimum of 50% of all points in both reviews.
Topic revision: r38 - 23 Sep 2013, ReinertUserTopic - This page was cached on 08 Mar 2025 - 18:05.

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