In this seminar we will present original work in Computational biology as well as progress reports from PhD students. Master students will present their MSc thesis plans and results or report about their ''Fortgeschrittenenpraktiku”. Depending on the length of the talks, we could have two at one given date.
The Journal Club is Mondays from 2 to 4 pm in room T9, SR 053.
Date | Speaker | Title |
22.10.12 | Enrico Siragusa | Masai |
29.10.12 | Sandro Andreotti | The Duplication-Loss Small Phylogeny Problem: From Cherries to Trees |
05.11.12 | Jialu Hu | M-NetAligner: A Novel Global Alignment Approach to Identify Functional Orthologs in Multiple Networks |
12.11.12 | Kathrin Trappe/Dana Vinzelberg | Status on PhD project/Bericht über BSc Arbeit |
19.11.12 | Raik Otto / Lam-Ha Ly | Bericht über Forschungspraktikum / Bericht über BSc Arbeit |
26.11.12 | Jochen Singer | De novo metagenome assembly |
03.12.12 | Björn Kahlert | Status on PhD project |
10.12.12 | Arthur You | Status on PhD project |
17.12.12 | Sascha Meiers | Bericht über Forschungspraktikum |
07.01.13 | tbd. | tbd. |
14.01.13 | Alessandro Mammana | Status on PhD project |
21.01.13 | Rene Rahn / Yvonne Mayer | Status on PhD project / Vortrag Forschungspraktikum |
28.01.12 | Manuel Holtgrewe / Vishalini Vimalakanthan | Status on PhD project / Bericht über BSc Arbeit |
04.02.13 | tbd. | tbd. |
11.02.13 | Sabrina Krakau | Status on MSc project |
18.02.13 | Marcel Schilling | Bericht Forschungspraktikum und Ausblick Masterarbeit |