You are here: Foswiki>ABI Web>ThesesHome>EclipsePluging (25 Oct 2011, BjoernKahlert)Edit Attach

BSc Thesis: Developing an Eclipse plugin for SeqAn


SeqAn is an open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data. SeqAn is easy to use and simplifies the development of new software tools with a minimal loss of performance. However, the installation can be a bit troublesome and discourages users with limited c++ knowledge. Therefore there is a need for an Eclipse plugin that enables the user to start programming his or her applications without going through the whole installation process.

Ideally a future SeqAn user would only have to install the SeqAn plugin which on itself would conduct the SeqAn installation process in the background.
Topic revision: r2 - 25 Oct 2011, BjoernKahlert - This page was cached on 23 Feb 2025 - 19:49.

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