Algorithms (WiSe 2014)

Welcome to the Wiki of the MSc lectures Algorithms (VL: 19400501, UE: 19400502)


  • The results of the second exam are online
  • Inspection of exam copies ("Klausureinsicht"), Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 9.30 a.m., SR 006, T9.
  • Results of 1st exam are online
  • The second exam is scheduled on Thursday, 16 Apr. 2015: 12-14h, room A6/032

Requirements for Aktive Teilnahme

You have to hand in 75% of all practical assignments. (You have to show reasonable programs and can explain them.)
In addition you need to reach 50% of all points of the two reviews.

Times and Places

  • The lecture will start October 14th and end on December 05, 2014

Event Day Time Address Room
Lecture Tue 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR006
Lecture Thu 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR006
Exercise Fri 12-14 Arnimallee 6 SR 032
Exercise Fri 14-16 Arnimallee 6 SR 032

Lecture schedule

Date Lecture Lecturer
14.10.-16.10. Analysis Methods and algorithm design
14.10.2014 Lecture 1: Types of algorithms Reinert
16.10.2014 Lecture 2: Different types of analysis Reinert
21.10.-28.10. Graph algorithms
21.10.2014 Lecture 3: Shortest paths Bockmayr
23.10.2014 Lecture 4: Maximum flow Bockmayr
28.10.2014 Lecture 5: Matching Bockmayr
30.10.-18.11. Hashing, Skiplists and tree decomposition
30.10.2014 Lecture 6: Hashing I Reinert
04.11.2014 Lecture 7: Hashing II Reinert
06.11.2014 Lecture 8: Skiplists I Reinert
07.11.2014 Review 1 (during exercises)
11.11.2014 Lecture 9: Skiplists II Reinert
13.11.2014 Lecture 10: Tree decomposition I Reinert
18.11.2014 Lecture 11: Tree decomposition II Reinert
20.11.-05.12. Computability and Complexity
20.11.2014 Lecture 12: Computability I Bockmayr
25.11.2014 Lecture 13: Computability II Bockmayr
27.11.2014 Lecture 14: Complexity I Bockmayr
28.11.2014 Review 2 (during exercises)
02.12.2014 Lecture 15: Complexity II Bockmayr
04.12.2014 Rehearsal Bockmayr / Rahn
05.12.2014 Exam (during exercises)

Additional Material

In this wiki you find additional material for the lectures and exercises (send your wiki login name to René Rahn to get access): AdditionalMaterial


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Nr. Exercise (WiSe14) Discussion
1 exercise 1 24.10.
2 exercise 2 31.10.
3 exercise 3 07.11.
4 exercise 4 14.11.
5 exercise 5 21.11.
6 exercise 6 28.11.
7 exercise 7 —

The exercises will be split into a theoretical and a programming part. In the Friday exercise we will discuss questions and problems related to the programming assignments while the theoretical exercise sheets will be discussed on Monday. The accepted programming language for practical assignments is C++ and you will implement them in groups of three students. Every group will have their own subversion directory and the version of your code at deadline will be considered as your solution.


Exams and Reviews

Results Exam 2

xxx4374 57 3,0
xxx178 68,5 2,0
xxx8054 49 3,7
xxx2442 52,5 3,3
xxx4523 75 1,7

Results Exam 1

Matrikelnummer points mark
xxx4374 31,5 5,0
xxx8685 19 5,0
xxx2952 60 2, 3
xxx8232 44 3,7
xxx4398 19,5 5,0
xxx719 43,5 3,7
xxx068 44,5 3,7
xxx3057 40,5 4,0
xxx1198 47,5 3,3
xxx9679 51,5 3,0
xxx2710 27,5 5,0
xxx1779 33 5,0
xxx6846 56,5 2,7
xxx8054 30,5 5,0
xxx2669 27 5,0
xxx533 51 3,0
xxx6435 52 3,0
xxx8177 53,5 3,0
xxx221 55 2,7
xxx4140 34 5,0
xxx8973 38 4,0
xxx4686 73 1,3
xxx9223 49 3,3
xxx2442 30,5 5,0
xxx9669 60,5 2,3
xxx827 27,5 5,0
xxx3051 68 1,7

Results Exam 2

MatrNr. Pts. Mark

Results Review 1

MatrNr Pts
xxx051 41
xxx054 19
xxx057 26
xxx068 25,5
xxx140 29
xxx177 25,5
xxx178 33,5
xxx189 31,5
xxx198 22,5
xxx220 9
xxx221 33,5
xxx223 20,5
xxx232 44
xxx263 6
xxx280 17,5
xxx374 25
xxx398 21
xxx411 14,5
xxx416 21,5
xxx435 24,5
xxx437 18,5
xxx533 26,5
xxx598 25,5
xxx618 16,5
xxx2669 20
xxx9669 37
xxx679 29
xxx685 11
xxx710 22,5
xxx719 30
xxx779 15
xxx827 21,5
xxx846 28
xxx952 31,5
xxx973 19

Results Review 2

MatrNr Pts
xxx051 47
xxx054 23
xxx057 35
xxx068 32
xxx140 26
xxx177 36
xxx178 37
xxx189 35
xxx198 37
xxx221 31,5
xxx223 35
xxx232 31
xxx374 42,5
xxx398 30,5
xxx435 33
xxx533 31
xxx2669 4
xxx9669 44
xxx679 32
xxx685 9
xxx710 32,5
xxx719 41
xxx779 20
xxx827 32
xxx846 28
xxx952 46
xxx973 26
Topic revision: r27 - 04 May 2015, ReinertUserTopic - This page was cached on 01 Feb 2025 - 18:03.

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