Page AlgorithmsWS12

Welcome to the Wiki of the MSc lectures Algorithms


27.03.2013: The second exam will be on Monday, April 15th (12-14, Arnimallee 6, SR032).

Times and rooms

Rooms and timings

The lecture will start October 16th and end on December 07

Event Day Time Address Room
Lecture Tue 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR006
Lecture Thu 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR006
Exercise Mon 12-14 Takustr. 9 SR 006
Exercise Fri 12-14 Takustr. 9 SR 005


Lecture schedule

Date Lecture Lecturer
16.10.-18.10. Analysis Methods and algorithm design  
16.10.2012 Lecture 1: Types of algorithms Reinert
18.10.2012 Lecture 2: Different types of analysis Reinert
  Graph algorithms
23.10.2012 Lecture 3: Shortest paths Bockmayr
25.10.2012 Lecture 4: Maximum flow Bockmayr
30.10.2012 Lecture 5: Matching Bockmayr
01.11.-20.11. Hashing, Skiplists and tree decomposition
01.11.2012 Lecture 6: Hashing I Reinert
06.11.2012 Lecture 7: Hashing II Reinert
08.11.2012 Lecture 8: Skiplists I Reinert
09.11.2012 Review 1 (during exercises)
13.11.2012 Lecture 9: Skiplists II Reinert
15.11.2012 Lecture 10: Tree decomposition I Reinert
20.11.2012 Lecture 11: Tree decomposition II Reinert
22.11.-07.12. Computability and Complexity
22.11.2012 Lecture 12: Computability I Bockmayr
29.11.2012 Lecture 13: Computability II Bockmayr
30.11.2012 Lecture 14: Computability III / Complexity I Bockmayr
03.12.2012 Review 2 (during exercises)
04.12.2012 Lecture 15: Complexity II Bockmayr
06.12.2012 Lecture 16: Lecture or rehearsal Bockmayr
07.12.2012 Exam (during exercises)

Additional Material

In this wiki you find additional material for the lectures and exercises (send your wiki login name to Sandro to get access): AdditionalMaterial

Results Exam 1

MatrNr. Pts. Mark
xxx9870 48.5 3.3
xxx6620 68 1.7
xxx5525 70.5 1.7
xxx9371 62 2.3
xxx3971 0 5
xxx2305 76 1
xxx2910 0 5
xxx2343 0 5
xxx2041 0 5
xxx938 38 5
xxx3346 74 1.3
xxx7470 53.5 3
xxx2657 78 1
xxx6546 29 5
xxx4257 74 1.3
xxx6903 52 3
xxx5789 65 2
xxx4523 0 5
xxx2117 80 1
xxx5985 43 4
xxx2077 0 5
xxx2779 0 5
xxx831 56 2.7
xxx4072 0 5
xxx3282 0 5
xxx4123 44 3.7
xxx8437 0 5
xxx2025 61.5 2.3
xxx5887 53 3
xxx2596 49 3.3
xxx2442 0 5
xxx5174 58 2.7
xxx7797 0 5
xxx9991 66 2
xxx1308 33 5
xxx964 60 2.3
xxx8301 35.5 5

Results Exam 2

MatrNr. Pts. Mark
xxx938 49,5 3,3
xxx6546 26 5,0
xxx7797 27,5 5,0
xxx1308 26 5,0
xxx8301 39,5 4,0


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Nr. Exercise Discussion
1 Ex_1.pdf 29.10.
2 Ex_2.pdf 5.11.
3 Ex_3.pdf 12.11.
4 Ex_4.pdf 19.11.
5 Ex_5.pdf 26.11.
6 Ex_6.pdf 3.12.

The exercises will be split into a theoretical and a programming part. In the Friday exercise we will discuss questions and problems related to the programming assignments while the theoretical exercise sheets will be discussed on Monday. The accepted programming language for practical assignments is C++ and you will implement them in groups of three students. Every group will have their own subversion directory and the version of your code at deadline will be considered as your solution.


Results Review 1

Results Review 2


Requirements for Aktive Teilnahme

You have to hand in 75% of all practical assignments. (You have to show reasonable programs and can explain them.)

In addition you need to reach 50% of all points of the two reviews.

Topic revision: r32 - 05 Jul 2013, AndreottUserTopic - This page was cached on 31 Jan 2025 - 22:52.

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