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Forschungsseminar Geometrie und Topologie

Summer Term 2024

Prof. Dr. Holger Reich - Prof. Dr. Elmar Vogt - Dr. Georg Lehner

  • Time and place: Thursdays, 14--16h, R.210, Arnimallee 7

Content: Talks by master and Phd students about ongoing work and selected research topics as well as guest talks.


25.04. Module Theory Holger Reich
 02.05. Six Functor Formalisms Mark Backhaus
09.05. Feiertag - Himmelfahrt --
16.05. Sheaves of Manifolds - Introduction Daniel Schlaugies
23.05. Controlled Algebra Chris Huggle
30.05. Compactly assembled infinity-categories Elisabeth a.d. Siepen
06.06. Compactly assembled infinity-categories II + Examples Elisabeth a.d. Siepen/
Georg Lehner
13.06. Exercise Session  
20.06. Ramzi’s Theorem and limits of compactly assembled categories Georg Lehner
27.06. Tensor products and dualizability of presentable∞-categories Paul Brommer-Wierig
04.07. Limits of dualizable infinity-categories Georg Lehner
11.07. Localizing Invariants Vittorio Di Fraia
18.07. Sheaves and Cosheaves on continuous posets Chris Huggle
25.07. Sheaves on locally compact Hausdorff spaces N.N.


  • Krause, Nikolaus: Sheaves on Manifolds
  • Efimov: K-Theory and localizing invariants of large categories