Dipl.-Inform. Stefan Pfeiffer

AG Technische Informatik
Institut für Informatik
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
I participated in the annual event supporting projects like:
- Rolling Bits - communicate using a marble run toy
- MicroMesh Routing Demo - making ad hoc mesh routing algorithm visible
VIVE investigates new applications that benefit of an in-network evaluation of predefined events. The wireless Compounds of sensor nodes are sharing information in a cooperative way which allows to evaluate events autonomously within the network. transferred data is reduced and evaluated within the network which allows short response time on events. As a result, the lifetime of the whole network will be enhanced. More information about the VIVE project is available on the VIVE homepage.
AVS-Extrem is a use case for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) focused on collaborative, in-network data processing. The goal is to develop a distributed event detection system that can reliably report security relevant incidents (e.g. a person climbing over a fence and accessing restricted areas to a base station. The vision is that through cooperation of many sensor nodes the accuracy of event detection can be greatly improved, while at the same time saving energy by reducing multi-hop communication with the base station. More information about the AVS-Extreme project is available on the AVS-Extreme homepage.
Heiko Will, Stefan Pfeiffer, Stephan Adler, Thomas Hillebrandt and Jochen Schiller. Distance Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks with Low Cost Components. In: 2nd International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indor Navigation (IPIN 2011)
Demo: Heiko Will, Stefan Pfeiffer, Stephan Adler, Thomas Hillebrandt and Jochen Schiller. Distance Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks with Low Cost Components. In: 2nd International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indor Navigation (IPIN 2011)
Norman Dziengel, Marco Ziegert, Stephan Adler, Zakaria Kasmi, Stefan Pfeiffer and Jochen Schiller. Energy-Aware Distributed Fence Surveillance for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 7th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2011)
Stefan Pfeiffer. Abstandsmessung durch Laufzeitmessung in drahtlosen Sensornetzwerken. Diploma thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (Freie Universität Berlin 2010)