Dipl.-Ing. Zakaria Kasmi

AG Technische Informatik
Institut für Informatik
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Takustr. 9
Raum 105
14195 Berlin
Raum 105
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 75194
I joined the working group Computer Systems & Telematics (CST) at the Institute of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin in September 2009. I have completed my Diplom in Communication and Information Technology at the Technische Universität Berlin.
- AVS-Extrem
AVS-Extrem is a use case for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) focused on collaborative, in-network data processing. The goal is to develop a distributed event detection system that can reliably report security relevant incidents (e.g. a person climbing over a fence and accessing restricted areas) to a base station. The vision is that through cooperation of many sensor nodes the accuracy of event detection can be greatly improved, while at the same time saving energy by reducing multi-hop communication with the base station. More information about the AVS-Extreme project is available on the AVS-Extreme homepage.
- Norman Dziengel, Marco Ziegert, Stephan Adler, Zakaria Kasmi, Martin Seiffert and Jochen Schiller. Verteilte Ereigniserkennung in drahtlosen Sensornetzen überwacht Zaun-, Reha- und Sportanwendungen. Fachzeitschrift für Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik in der Elektronik PLUS, März 2012 Band 14, S. 629-635
- Zakaria Kasmi. No signs? No problem. Java Magazin. Ausgabe: 4.2012.
- Norman Dziengel, Marco Ziegert, Stephan Adler, Zakaria Kasmi, Stefan Pfeiffer and Jochen Schiller. Energy-Aware Distributed Fence Surveillance for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP '11).
- Norman Dziengel, Marco Ziegert, Stephan Adler, Zakaria Kasmi und Jochen Schiller. Herausforderungen der verteilten Ereigniserkenneung in drahtlosen Sensonetzen. In: Microsystemtechnik Kongress 2011, Darmstadt, Germany (MST 2011).
- Norman Dziengel, Marco Ziegert, Zakaria Kasmi, Frederik Hermans, Stephan Adler, Georg Wittenburg, and Jochen Schiller. A Platform for Distributed Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: First International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects, April 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (CONET 2010).
- Jörg Blankenbach, Zakaria Kasmi, Abdelmoumen Norrdine, Harald Schlemmer. Indoor-Positionierung auf Basis von UWB -Ein Lokalisierungsprototyp zur Baufortschrittsdokumentation-. Erschien 8-9/2008 in der Zeitschrift Allgemeine Vermessungs- Nachrichten (AVN).
- S. D. Hermann and A. Wolisz (Expressly cooperation designated Kasmi, Z.). Investigation of Geographical Routing. Enhancements for Location Based Push Services. In: Proc. of 12th Open European Summer School, September 2006, Stuttgart, Germany (EUNICE 2006).