Nils Wisiol, M.Sc./SUNY

AG ID Management
Institut für Informatik
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Physically Unclonable Functions, Computational Complexity
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics (2015) and Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (2012) in Würzburg (Germany); Master of Science, Computer Science (2014) in Buffalo, NY (USA). Persuing Ph.D. since 2015, partially funded by Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft.
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Research Interests
- Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs)
- Modeling Attacks on Strong PUFs
- Security Analysis of PUFs
- Cryptographic Primitivies and Protocols, Pseudorandomness
- Imlementation of Cryptographic Primitives
- DNS Security and DNSSEC
- Peter Thomassen, Nils Wisiol: "Automatic Bootstrapping of DNSSEC Delegations using Authenticated Operator Signals.", Internet-Draft, 2021.
- Marzougui, Soundes; Wisiol, Nils; Gersch, Patrik; Krämer, Juliane; Seifert, Jean-Pierre. "Machine-Learning Side-Channel Attacks on the GALACTICS Constant-Time Implementation of BLISS." arXiv, 2021.
- Aghaie, Anita; Moradi, Amir; Tobisch, Johannes; Wisiol, Nils. "Generalization of Arbiter PUF - New Constructions and Novel Analyses." In revision, 2021.
- Elias Heftrig, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Haya Shulman, Michael Waidner, Nils Wisiol. "Predictive Cipher-Suite Negotiation for Boosting Deployment of New Ciphers" ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security Poster, 2021.
- Wisiol, Nils. "Towards Attack Resilient Arbiter PUF-Based Strong PUFs". IACR ePrint Archive, 2021. Code.
- Wisiol, Nils, et al. "Neural-Network-Based Modeling Attacks on XOR Arbiter PUFs Revisited". IACR ePrint Archive, 2021.
- Wisiol Nils, et al. "Splitting the Interpose PUF: A Novel Modeling Attack Strategy" IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 2020(3), 97-120. Full Video. 5min-Talk.
- Wisiol, Nils, et al. "Short Paper: XOR Arbiter PUFs have Systematic Response Bias" Accepted for publication at Financial Crypto 2020. Presentation Slides
- Wisiol, Nils, et al. "Breaking the Lightweight Secure PUF: Understanding the Relation of Input Transformation and Machine Learning Resistance" CARDIS, 2019. Presentation Slides
- Wisiol, Nils; Margraf Marian. "Why Attackers Lose: Design and Security Analysis of Arbitrarily Large XOR Arbiter PUFs." Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2019.
- Wisiol, Nils, et al. "Attacking RO-PUFs with Enhanced Challenge-Response Pairs." IFIP SEC 2018. Presentation Slides
- Wisiol, Nils, et al. "Why Attackers Lose: Design and Security Analysis of Arbitrarily Large XOR Arbiter PUFs." PROOFS 2017. Presentation Slides
- Glaßer, Christian, et al. "Disjoint NP-pairs and propositional proof systems." ACM SIGACT News 45.4 (2014): 59-75.
- Wisiol, Nils. Graph Isomorphism. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 2015.
- Wisiol, Nils. Disjoint NP-Pairs and Propositional Proof Systems. State University of New York at Buffalo, 2014.
- Wisiol, Nils. Simulation of Proof Systems. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 2012.
Workshops and Talks
- Authenticated Bootstrapping of DNSSEC Delegations, DNS OARC 35a, 08.09.2021. With Peter Thomassen. Presentation Slides
- Towards Secure Strong PUFs, 31. Kryptotag der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 17.10.2019. Presentation Slides
- XOR Arbiter PUFs: an Empirical Approach to Input Transformations, 30. Kryptotag der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 28.03.2019. Presentation Slides
- deSEC: Sicheres DNS-Hosting für alle, Datengarten 97 CCCB, 12.02.2019. Video, Presentation Slides
- Dynamic DNS and DNS Hosting with Restful API, 34c3, 30.12.2017.
- Program Committee Member Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security (ASHES) 2020, 2021
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)
- Reviewer for Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS) 2020
- Reviewer for Financial Cryptography (FC) 2021
- Reviewer for IEEE Security & Privacy 2022
- Reviewer for USENIX 2021
- Reviewer for IEEE IoT Journal
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (TVLSI)
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC)
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS1)
- pypuf, an open source software for simulating and attacking physically unclonable functions.
- deSEC, an open source software and free hosting service for security-aware IPv6-enabled DNS.
More teaching at the Identity Management group.
- Winter 18/19: Cryptography for Security at SecT, Technische Universität Berlin
- Winter 17/18: Lecture Analysis of Boolean Functions (textbook: Ryan O'Donnell)
- Summer 17: Softwareproject third party authentication using electronic ID cards
- Winter 16/17: Lecture Analysis of Boolean Functions (textbook: Ryan O'Donnell)
- Summer 16: Seminar IT-Security
- Summer 16: Softwareproject powerDNS DNSSEC, Machine Learning of Boolean Functions
- Winter 15/16: Research Seminar Physically Unclonable Functions
- Winter 15/16: Recitation Lecture Crypt Analysis
- Summer 15: Recitation Lecture Computer Security
My PGP key fingerprint is A52C BD49 A7E7 6C43 1DD8 DD6E 0106 2CFB D3E1 F25D.