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Research Seminar Semantic Technologies

Vorträge über Forschung, Bachelor-, Diplom- und Masterarbeiten, sowie Originalarbeiten aus dem Bereich Logik Programmierung, deklarative Wissensrepräsentation, semantischen Technologien und Web Technologien, Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning.


Dozent/inAdrian Paschke

Wednesday, 16:00   - 18:00 pm



2.10. Evaluation der Leistungsfähigkeit von Edge-Geräten für die Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz Emil Merle Bachelor thesis
14.10. Entwicklung eines Weiterleitungssystems von stabilen Identifikatoren für genetische Sammlungsproben im Rahmen des Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Francesco Cerio Bachelor thesis
16.10. Einführung Forschungsseminar Adrian Paschke  Introduction
16.10. Systematic Literature Review of Continual Relation Extraction for Knowledge Graph Completeness Sefika Efeoglu  PhD presentation
23.10. Systematic Literature Review on Neuro-Symbolic AI in Knowledge Graph Construction for Manufacturing  Wilma Schmidt  PhD presentation
 30.10. Rule-SNGP: Injecting Driving Rules as Automated Prior for Uncertainty-Aware Trajectory Prediction  Kumar Manas  PhD presentation
1.11. Exploring the Frontiers of Antisocial Detection and Analysis Through Deep Learning Elena Apostol Collquium talk
1.11. Challenges of Hate Speech Detection in Online Communication Among Adolescents Jan Fillies Collquium talk
1.11. What's next after Antisocial Behaviour Detection? Large Graph Network Immunization Ciprian Truica Collquium talk
 6.11. Challenges of Hate Speech Detection in Online Communication Among Adolescents  Jan Fillies  PhD presentation
 11.11. Neuro-symbolic AI: KI Wissen and RECOMP project  Adrian Paschke Project presentation
 20.11.  Legally-Guided Automated Decision-Making System Using Language Model Agents for Autonomous Driving  Ya Wang PhD presentation
 27.11.  From Anthropological Book to Text-Based Game: Storytelling with LLMs in Anthropology  Michael Hoffmann  PhD presentation
11.12. Continual Relation Extraction with Pre-Trained Models  Sefika Efeoglu  PhD presentation
 18.12.  group meeting    
 15.1. Comprehensive Study on Agregation Mechanisms for Federated session Based Recommender Systems in IFEC-Systems  Marko Harasic  PhD presentation
 22.1.  Evaluating a Semantic Clinical Decision Support Framework by a medical usecase  Gerhard Kober  PhD presentation
 29.1.  Continual Few-Shot Relation Extraction  Sefika Efeoglu  PhD paper presentation
 29.1. Quantum Encoding Architecture Search  Raja Seggoju  PhD presentation
 5.2.  Comparing Fine-Tuned and Generic GPT-4 Models for Emergency Medical Service Standard Operating Procedures  Fabian Broszio  PhD presentation
 12.2.  How Semantic Matching could solve the shortcomings of video advertising in the age of social media  Felix Daub  PhD presentation