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Research Seminar Semantic Technologies

Vorträge über Forschung, Bachelor-, Diplom- und Masterarbeiten, sowie Originalarbeiten aus dem Bereich Logik Programmierung, deklarative Wissensrepräsentation, semantischen Technologien und Web Technologien.


Dozent/inAdrian Paschke

Wednesday, 16:00   - 18:00 pm



 8.9.  Improvement of the multiplex fluorescence immunostaining analysis pipeline  Natalja Amiridze  Master thesis
 17.10.  Multilingual Hate Speech Detection on Social Media: Appyling Transfer Learning Methods to Classify German, Italian and Spanish Posts  Michael Hoffmann  Master thesis
18.10. Einführung Forschungsseminar Adrian Paschke  
 25.10. Semantic Role Assisted Natural Language Rule Formalization for Autonomous Agents  Kumar Manas  PhD presentation
 1.11.  Extracting Deep Interpretable Concepts using Trees from Neural Networks  Ya Wang  PhD presentation
3.11. I guess everything's an IGUS? Complexity science and potential avenues to advance our understanding of AI Prof. Dr. Markus Luczak-Roesch Colloquium talk
 8.11.  Logic for medical guidelines - approach to overcome limits and find appropriate solution  Gerhard Kober  PhD presentation
 15.11.  Advancing Hate Speech Detection in Online Communication of Adolescents  Jan Fillies  PhD presentation
 16.11.  Comparing Transformer and Machine Learning Approaches for Information Extraction from Contract Documents with Limited Resources  Vincent Fücks  Bachelor thesis presentation
 22.11.  Consensus-based Co-Calibration under Consideration of Semantic Knowledge  Maximilian Gruber  PhD presentation
 29.11.  Business Model Innovation based on Semantic Matchmaking as Proposal for User-Centred Online Video Advertising in the Age of Social Media  Felix Daub  PhD presentation
 13.12.  A Continual Relation Extraction Approach for Knowledge Graph Completeness  Sefika Efeoglu  PhD presentation
 10.1.  Unifying Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Digital Twins in Smart Manufacturing  Wilma Johanna Schmidt  PhD presentation
 17.1.  Introduction to Fine-tuning Models: Hyperparameter Optimization  Kumar Manas  Lecture
 18.1.  Wikibase Cloud for Cultural Heritage Data Online Jason J. Evans Meetup talk
 24.1.  Draw Me Like My Triples: Leveraging Generative AI for Wikidata Image Completion  Sefika Efeoglu   Research presentation
 31.1.  AI-supported creation of learning content for emergency medical services and emergency management training  Fabian Broszio  PhD presentation
 7.2.  Modularity Characteristics of Aspect-Oriented Ontologies - a Comparative Analysis  Ralph Schäfermeir  PhD presentation
8.2.  The Role of Symbolic Knowledge and Defeasible Reasoning at the Dawn of AGI  Dr. Dave Raggett Meetup talk