Research Seminar Semantic Technologies
Vorträge über Forschung, Bachelor-, Diplom- und Masterarbeiten, sowie Originalarbeiten aus dem Bereich Logik Programmierung, deklarative Wissensrepräsentation, semantischen Technologien und Web Technologien.
Dozent/in | Adrian Paschke |
Raum | Koenigin-Luise-Str. 24 120 |
Beginn | 17.10.2016 |
Ende | 20.02.2017 |
Zeit | Monday, 14 - 16 pm |
Date | Topic | Person | Remark |
30.9. | Implementation of the Provalet Concept Based on Microservices | Lars-Oliver Willrich | Master Thesis Defense |
10.10. | Prova-basiertes Semantic Event Processing mit DBPedia-Tripeln in einer OSGi- und Webservice-Umgebung | Ömer Bayram | Bachelor thesis defense |
10.10. | DMN-RuleML Translator | Simon Koennecke | Master thesis defense |
11.10. | Corporate Smart Content in einem Corporate Semantic Web | Adrian Paschke | Research presentation |
14.10. | Semantic-enhanced search: Finding meaning in large-scale scanned text collections | Annika Hinze | Research Colloquium |
17.10. | Scalable Semantic Enrichment of Event Streams | Ahmed Nader Mohamed | Bachelor thesis defense |
17.10. | Visual platform for topic mining assisted browsing and searching of large datasets | Eike Cochu | Master thesis defense |
24.10. | Enriching Topic Models with DBpedia | Adrian Paschke, Alexandru Todor | Research Presentation |
31.10. | Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence | Adrian Paschke | Training |
31.10. | Semantic Business Rules | Adrian Paschke | Training |
31.10. | Standards, Tools and Applications for Business Rules and Decision Management | Adrian Paschke | Training |
9.11. | Taxonomie von Verfahren der semantischen Datenintelligenz | Adrian Paschke | Lecture |
10.11. | Semantic Rule Technologies | Adrian Paschke | Phd Training |
5.12. | Corporate Smart Insights | Adrian Paschke | Research Presentation |
9.12. | Provalets – Microservice-based Mobile Rule Agents for Semantic Complex Event Processing | Adrian Paschke | Research Presentation |
9.12. | Provenance and Stream | Marciny Wylot | Research Presentation |
9.12. | Streaming linked data based on transaction time queries in dydra | James Anderson | Project Talk |
19.12. | Diversity in Music Recommendation | Adrian Paschke | Master thesis defense |
12.1. | Semantic Complex Pattern Mining on Event Streams | Leon Bornemann | Master thesis defense |
12.1. | Ist ihr Content Smart genug? Semantische Technologien auf dem Einsatz in Unternehmensinformationssystemen. | Adrian Paschke | Research presentation |
6.3. | Unterstützung der Modell-getriebenen Altsystem-Modernisierung durch MOF-Metriken | Rene Richter | Diploma thesis defense |
x.3. | A Knowledge Representation Framework for Handling Elementary (Patent) Pragmatics | Shashishekar Ramakrishna | PhD thesis defense |