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Forschungsseminar Semantische Technologien

Dozent/inAdrian Paschke
RaumKoenigin-Luise-Str. 24 120

Thursday, 11  am - 13 pm



9.10. Introduction to Corporate Smart Content Adrian Paschke CSC Workshop Talk
16.10. Time-Based Sentiment Analysis of Review Data Alexandra Faynveyts Bachelor Thesis Defense
16.10 Knowledge-Based Notification System for News Streams Alexandra La Fleur Bachelor Thesis Defense
16.10. Frequent and Infrequent Event Pattern Detection Ahmad Hasan Master Thesis Defense
23.10.  Semantic e-Learning  Dr. Istvan Bessenyei  Guest Presentation
30.10.  Complex Entity Recognition  Alexandru Todor  Phd Proposal Persentation
6.11  Semantic Opinion Mining  Mohammed Al-Mashraee  Phd Proposal Presentation
13.11  Towards Semantic Complex Event Processing  Kia Teymourian Research Presentation
20.11  Build, Measure, Learn - A Lean Approach to Software Projects Using Impact Mapping  Sascha Schönfeld  Master Thesis Presentation
28.11.  A Framework for Knowledge-Based Complex Event Processing  Kia Teymourian  Phd Defense
4.12.  Overview Corporate Smart Content Work  

 Pierre Ahrendt

Wojciech Lukasiewicz

Lars Parmakerli

  Corporate Smart Content 
11.12.  Semantic Web Applications and Tools for the Life Sciences  Adrian Paschke  Hackathon
18.12.  Research Methodology  All  Phd Discussion
8.1.  Aspect-Oriented Ontology Engineering  Ralph Schäfermeier   Phd Proposal Presentation
15.1.  Knowledge Representation for Patent Law  Shashishekar Ramakrishna Phd Proposal Presentation
22.1. Corporate Semantic Web CSC Members Reserach Project Meeting
5.2. Knowledge-Based Mining of Complex Event Patterns  Ahmad Hasan  Phd Proposal Presentation