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Semantic Business Process Management


Dozent/inProf. Dr. Adrian Paschke
InstitutionFreie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Infomatik und Mathematik
Institut für Informatik
SemesterSummer Term 2012
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl22

Registration in KVV

RaumArnimallee 14 SR T1

Monday 14-16 Uhr

Lecture (Monday 14 - 16 pm - Arnimallee 14, SR T1)


Room Topic



Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Organization and Overview

Introduction Business Process Management

23.4. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Unified Modeling Language
30.4. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 OMG BPMN
7.5. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 OASIS BPEL
14.5. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Semantic Web Services and IT Service Management
21.5. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 OMG ODM
21.5. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 W3C OWL
4.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Business Rules - OMG SBVR, OMG PRR, W3C RIF
4.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 RuleML
11.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Reaction Rules and Complex Event Processing
11.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Semantic Business Process Management
11.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Summary
2.7. Königin-Luise-Str. 24 Final Exam

 Exercise  (Monday 16 - 18 Uhr - Arnimallee 14, SR T1)


Room Topic


Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Slides, Exercise
23.4. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Slides
30.4. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Slides, Exercise
7.5. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Slides, Exercise, sbpm2012-tomcat.tgz, Exercise3_BPEL_Project.tgz
14.5. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Slides, Exercise
21.5. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Slides, Exercise, sbpm12.owl
4.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Q&A, Live Demo Protege Rules
11.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Slides, Exercise
18.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Q&A, Live Demo
25.6. Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Q&A, Guest Demo
25.6 Arnimallee 14, SR T1 Exam Preparation
2.7. Königin-Luise-Str. 24 Final Exam

Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke paschke AT inf.fu-berlin.de

Ralph Schäfermeier schaef@inf.fu-berlin.de