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Disputation Marvin Lücke

30.10.2024 | 13:30
Thema der Dissertation:
Concentration effects and collective variables in dynamical systems on networks
Thema der Disputation:
Percolation Theory
Abstract: An interesting phase transition can be observed when adding random edges to a graph: if a critical edge density is crossed, suddenly small connected clusters join together to form a giant connected component. This phase transition is the subject of Percolation Theory, which after more than 60 years is still a very active field with numerous open problems. This talk gives an introduction to the topic, outlines the most relevant past achievements, and states some unsolved problems.

Zeit & Ort

30.10.2024 | 13:30

Seminarraum 108/109
(Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin)