Program of the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
- PhD Workshops
- CRC Schools
- CRC Crossover
- Research Stays Abroad
- University Courses
- Soft Skill Courses
- Diversity and Equality Workshop Series
PhD Workshops
The PhD workshops are held once a year. Each workshop is run by a committee of PhD students, which ensures a programme that meets the PhD student’s most urgent needs and interests. At the same time, the committee members gain experience in the organizing of academic events. The committee is supported by the IRTG coordinator.
The PhD workshop 2024 was held in Templin/Brandenburg from Septenber 30th to October 2nd.
The PhD workshop 2023 was held at Schloss Plaue in Brandenburg from 25th to 28th of September.
The PhD workshop 2021 was held in a hybrid format this time. It took place from 21st July until 23rd of July. The program included two workshops/tutorials: one on clean coding (by Victor Brekenfeld) and one on scientific visualization (by Marwan Abdellah). It started with a long-awaited face-to-face social gathering on wednesday. This year the program was designed by Sebastian Gallon, George Pacey and Sina Zendehroud.
The PhD workshop 2020 was held in online format due to the pandemic. It took place from 20 to 24 July, and consisted of two seminars: a seminar on project management by Dr. Johanna Havemann, and a stress management seminar by Dr. Andrea Szameitat. The program was designed by Abbas Gholami, Marius Kusche, Roya Ebrahimi Viand and Andrea Zafferi.
The PhD workshop 2019 took place from 1 to 4 July at Schloss Plaue in Brandenburg. It was organized by Ray Chew, Tom Dörffel, Abhishek Harikrishnan, Konstantin Huber and Robert Polzin. The program included a seminar on presentation skills conducted by Dr. Carsten Rohr, and a seminar on science outreach held by Dr. Jens Kube.
PhD Workshops in the first funding period (2014 - 2018)
CRC Schools
An annual, week-long CRC School offers advanced scientific courses in CRC-related topics, held by the PIs of the CRC as well as international guests. The program of the CRC Schools is conceived by the PIs and postdocs of the CRC, with the IRTG Coordinator providing organizational support.
The Fall School 2020 on Variational Methods for Fluids and Solids took place online from 12 to 16 October in cooperation with Math+. The School was embedded in the two-week Student Compact Course on Variational Methods for Fluids and Solids within the Thematic Einstein Semester on Energy-based mathematical methods for reactive multiphase flows. The School programm committee members were Alexander Mielke, Marita Thomas and Dirk Peschka.
The Fall School 2019 on Fluctuating Hydrodynamics took place from 28 October to 1 November at Zuse Institute Berlin. The mini courses included lectures and exercises held by John Bell from Berkeley Lab, Felix Höfling from CRC 1114 and Bruce Turkington from the University of Massachusetts. CRC Members Carsten Hartmann and Robert Patterson gave introductory lectures. The program was designed by Rupert Klein, Ralf Kornhuber, Robert Patterson and Stefanie Winkelmann.
CRC Schools in the first funding period (2014 - 2018)
CRC Crossover
The Crossover activities aim to increase exchange and cooperation across disciplines and projects within the CRC.
Based on an idea which emerged during the Spring School 2016, the CRC introduced the so called mini projects. The PIs propose projects on CRC relevant topics for PhD students from another research group which require one to two months of work. During the project the PhD student is integrated into the host research group. In 2016, the research group of Marcus Weber hosted two PhD students with mini projects: Marco Reidelbach in August and September, and Luca Donati from October to December.
In 2016, PhD student Jannes Quer initiated peer-to-peer seminars within the CRC. These seminars bring together PhD students and postdocs working on a similar subject in different CRC projects and create a space for discussions and sharing ideas. The participants are invited to give a talk about their recent research and discuss problems. The first peer-to-peer seminar on Molecular Dynamics and related topics was organised by Jannes Quer and ran on a two-weekly basis from January to April 2016. The second peer-to-peer seminar on Markov Chain Monte Carlo was held from December 2016 to March 2017, organised by Jannes Quer and Gottfried Hastermann.
Research Stays Abroad
To encourage academic mobility of the PhD students and the building of international networks, the IRTG offers funding for research stays at institutions outside Germany for up to 4 weeks. Funds are generally reserved for students in the advanced stages of their PhD studies.
The following research stays were supported through the IRTG Scheme:
In May 2016, Fabian Paul spent 4 weeks working in the group of Prof. Benoit Roux at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Chicago.
In June 2016, Jannes Quer visited the Molecular and Multiscale Modelling group of CERMICS at École des Ponts ParisTech to collaborate with Prof. Tony Lelièvre.
In January 2017, Michael Rudolf spent 2 weeks working in Olivier Galland's Fluid Earth Group at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Oslo.
In March 2017, Annette Müller visited the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Vienna to collaborate with postdoctoral researcher Sabine Hittmeir.
In September 2018, Christoph Ritschel was a guest in Paul Northrop’s research group at the Department of Statistical Science of the University College London for 3 weeks.
University Courses
PhD students in the IRTG are invited to attend regular university lectures and seminars which relate to their PhD project. They may attend courses at all three Berlin universities as well as at the University of Potsdam.
Soft Skill Courses
The soft skills courses offer opportunities for gaining know-how needed for a successful academic career. They cover a wide range of vocational skills such as giving presentations, writing academic papers, getting published, networking, leadership and management, applying for research grants and positions outside of academia etc. The PhD students can attend courses offered by the Dahlem Research School DRS, Potsdam Graduate School PoGS, Berlin Mathematical School BMS as well as GeoSim.
Diversity and Equality Workshop Series
The workshops aim to raise awareness of the issues of diversity and equal opportunities in the field of science. Combining input from science studies with practical know-how, the workshops address the social, organizational and individual factors shaping professional careers, show possible obstacles and propose strategies for overcoming them. The PhD students also gain knowledge and skills for leading teams and organizations in ways which foster openness and equal opportunities for people of different gender, familial, social and cultural backgrounds.