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Women in Science: In theatre and film

Flyer: "Die Gleichung ihres Lebens"

Flyer: "Die Gleichung ihres Lebens"

Diving into Math with Emmy Noether

Diving into Math with Emmy Noether

Core Issues Announcement

Core Issues Announcement


In July 2024, CRC1114 partnered with Weltkino Filmverleih and Berliner Mathematische Gesellschaft (BMG) for an event regarding the the movie „Die Gleichung ihres Lebens“ which starts in German movie theatres on 27.06.2024.

As part of the BMG's 9th Quarterly Lecture, the film will be presented at the Eva Lichtspiele in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. The evening will be introduced by a mathematical lecture by Prof. Dr. Jürg Kramer, who will discuss the mathematical themes in the film. The screening will be followed by a joint discussion with Prof. Dr. Jürg Kramer, Prof. Dr. Sylvie Paycha and Prof. Dr. Katharina Höhne.


CRC1114 is proud to have partnered twice already now with portraittheather, an Austrian theatre company which focuses on extraordinary historical personalities, especially women, and brings their life and work to the stage.

In May 2023, portraittheater performed "Diving into Math with Emmy Noether" at a special CRC colloquium on occasion of the International Day of Women in Math - a play writtten in co-operation with former FU women's representative and math historian Mechthild Koreuber.

See more here.

In December 2023, CRC 1114 supported the English translation and performance of a play about Lise Meitner, a physicist who worked at research institutes that would later become part of Freie Universität - and one of the most influential physicists of the century.

See more here.