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CRC supported theatre performance





Anita Zieher performs as Lise Meitner

Anita Zieher performs as Lise Meitner

Marita Thomas and Jana Jerosch with CRC poster at the sponsors' exhibition.

Marita Thomas and Jana Jerosch with CRC poster at the sponsors' exhibition.

Lise Meitner: Core Issues

News from Dec 22, 2023

CRC 1114 supported the special theatre performance ”Core Issues - in memoriam Lise Meitner” on December 21st 2023. Lise Meitner, whose highly interdiciplinary work in nuclear fission (together with, among others, chemist Otto Hahn) was unusual for women of her time, was the first woman to become a professor of physics in Germany.

Starting from the discovery of Nuclear Fission in 1938, the play "Core Issues" shows moments of Lise Meitner‘s professional career and how her everyday working life and research changed in political extreme situations.

CRC 1114 and other interdisciplicary research centers at FU presented themselves with a small exhibition before and after the play.

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