Guest seminar summer 2017
Guest seminar "Arithmetic Geometry"
Time: Thursdays, 2pm-4pm
Place: New!! Arnimallee 14 (Physik), room T1 (1.3.21)
Date | Speaker(s) |
April 20 |
14:15 Johannes Nicaise (Imperial college) Title: A motivic Fubini theorem for the tropicalization map This talk is based on joint work with Sam Payne. I will explain the formulation and proof of a motivic Fubini theorem for the tropicalization map in the context of Hrushovski and Kazhdan's theory of motivic integration. Denef and Loeser's motivic nearby fiber has a natural interpretation in this setting. As an application, I will present a very short and conceptual proof of the integral identity conjecture of Kontsevich and Soibelman, one of the cornerstones of their theory of motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants. This conjecture was previously solved by Le Quy Thuong by means of a related but more involved method. |
May 11 |
14:15 Thomas Oliver (Bristol) Title: tba |
June 7 |
16:00 Michael Groechenig (Berlin) Infinity categories I (Minicourse) |
June 8 |
14:15 Javier Fresán (Zurich) Title: tba |
June 9 |
14:00 Michael Groechenig (Berlin) Infinity categories II (Minicourse) |
June 22 |
14:15 Alan Thompson (Warwick) Title: Mirror symmetry for lattice polarized del Pezzo surfaces Mirror symmetry for lattice polarized K3 surfaces is a well-established correspondence, first studied in the work of Dolgachev and Nikulin. I will discuss the possibility of extending this theory to log Calabi-Yau surfaces, and in particular to weak del Pezzo surfaces. I will describe how to endow a weak del Pezzo surface with a lattice polarization and how to define the mirror notion of a lattice polarized Landau-Ginzburg model. Finally, I will discuss how this notion of mirror symmetry should be compatible with Dolgachev-Nikulin mirror symmetry for lattice polarized K3's. |
June 29 |
14:15 Raju Krishnamoorthy (Berlin) Title: "On Analogs of the Hasse Invariant"