Research seminar WiSe 2016-17
Topic: Berkovich spaces, birational geometry and motivic zeta functions
Time: Thursdays 10am-12pm
Place: SR 210 Arnimallee 3
Organization: Marta Pieropan
Program: here
Videos of a minicourse by Nicaise on the same topic:
Date | Title | Speaker |
October 27 | Introduction | Marta |
November 3 | Berkovich spaces | Fabio |
November 10 | Berkovich analytification | Wouter |
November 10* | Birational geometry | Efstathia |
November 24 | Models and monomial points | Shane |
December 1 | Skeleton | Pedro |
December 8 | Retraction | Simon |
December 15 | Weight function I | Lei |
January 5 | Weight function II | Fei |
January 12 | Essential skeleton and relation to birational geometry | Marcin |
January 19** | The weight function computes the log canonical threshold | Michael |
January 26 | Evidence towards existence of flow | Raju |
February 2 | p-Adic integration and the Igusa zeta function | Tanya |
February 9 | Motivic integration and motivic zeta functions | Yun |
February 16 | Monodromy conjectures and proof of Veys' conjecture | Marco |
*This lecture is at 14-16pm in SR 032/A6.
**This lecture starts at 9am sharp in SR 210/A3.