Prof. Dr. Chandrajit Bajaj, Center for Computational Visualization, University of Texas at Austin
Human functional processes are mediated through complicated biochemical and biophysical interactions amongst proteins, and other biomolecules. A comprehensive computational model and analysis of these interactions, provide important clues for developing therapeutic interventions related to infections and disease. In this two part talk I shall first describe a combination of geometric algorithms to efficiently construct algebraic spline models of target protein structures, that are culpable in the spread of viral infections. Next, I shall present the use of a fast neighborhood data structure called Dynamic Packing Grids (DPG), and the use of non-uniform fast Fourier estimation methods in the very rapid computation of protein binding energetics, essential for drug screening analysis and discovery.
Time & Location
Sep 23, 2009 | 02:15 PM
Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin, Raum 108/109