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Human-AI collaboration and decision fatigue


To conduct this thesis you need experience in these areas:

  • programming to develop a tool to test (prefered: streamlit with python)
  • reading skills to dive into human-AI publications to understand your topic

Depending on the focus we choose:

  • experience in creating AI models, so that you can test a "real" AI
  • experience in conducting empirical research (study design, statistics etc.)
Academic Advisor
Human-Centered AI, Human-Centered Computing, Human Factors
B.Sc. / M. Sc.


The following description serves the purpose to shortly give you an impression of what a topic regarding these key topics could be.
If you are interested in the research question or a similar one, please contact Ulrike Schäfer for more information.

Key Words:

  • Human-AI collaboration
  • Decision-making
  • Decision fatigue 

Research Question:

Does the length of interaction/amount of decision affect decision fatigue depending on having AI assistance or not?


  • Literature research on the key words and specify research question
  • Develop a scenario to test your question
  • Create a test environment (application)
  • Qualitative interview to understand, what specifically AI assisants changed. (You will collect more data than you have to assess in detail as this study is part of a bigger project on investigating human-AI interaction.)

Independant variable:

  • Multiple groups: short and long duration and with and without AI

Dependant variable:

  • Performance
  • Mental Model: Interview questions to understand how the AI was perceived
