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»HoloLab #2« with a Talk by Katrin Glinka on »Visitor-Oriented Design Research«

Katrin Glinka contributed to the »HoloLab #2«: a lecture- and event series organized by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation) - with a talk on »Visitor-Oriented Design Research«



The HoloLabs are part of the »dive-in« funding program with which the Kulturstiftung des Bundes supports cultural organizations in developing innovative educational formats that explore new ways of digital interaction and participation. The HoloLabs are derived as a means to provide expertise and external input to the funded institutions and promote dialogue on current issues and trends related to digital art and education.

The HoloLab #2 took place on 13 and 14 October 2021 and focused on »New Forms of Participation and Interaction«. Katrin Glinka contributed to the HoloLab #2 with a presentation on »Visitor-oriented Design Research«. The talk addressed current challenges that cultural organizations face. Web-based search access to digitized collections, multimedia guides for exhibitions, or audience-oriented communication in social media have now established themselves as formats of digital knowledge transfer and communication in cultural institutions. Now the question arises: Which novel interaction formats can be implemented with digital technologies for a diverse audience? In her talk, Katrin Glinkas illustrated how the mediation potential of digital technologies with their variety of interaction forms can be realized in the cultural context. She illustrated this with examples from her research and practice, including a HCC Data Lab case study on gaze-based and object-centered museum mediation. With regards to the challenges that arise in the conception and development of visitor-oriented digital formats, she suggested a methodical approach that is at the heart of the HCC's research and work: »participatory design«. She illustrated how this approach can be adapted to specific contexts in cultural organizations.

This talk acts as one of the HCC Data Lab's efforts to distribute knowledge and methodical approaches from HCI research to other fields of study and application.

The video recording of the talk can be accessed here.