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Interaction Concepts


"myTurk" is a tool-driven approach to Mechanical Turk user experiments (crowdsourcing). This module links the micro job platform Amazon Mechanical Turk, which allows non-technical experts to run brainstorming challenges with many participants.


The IKON project deals with the visualization of knowledge transfer potentials at the Natural History Museum in Berlin (MfN). The main task of the visualization software MfN.projektor is the visual representation of research projects at MfN and their connection to knowledge transfer activities and infrastructures of the museum. The HCC Research Group set up an actionable and holistic system that visualizes research project data and their potential for knowledge transfer in research museums like the Natural History Museum.

Rating Tool Frontend for Seeker and Avoider experiments

A user interface for evaluating the novelty and value of ideas. Kim Kern developed it for his master's thesis. Electronic brainstorming (EBS) has proven to be successful at producing many ideas but struggles with a high quantity of low-quality ideas. While much research on the improvement of idea quality, individual differences between ideators remain understudied. The two types Seeker - participants who seek inspiration - and Avoider - those who avoid it - were identified. This tool was used to measure differences in idea quality between these groups in different conditions (with/without inspiration).


Kaleidoscope is a web-based tool for exploratory analysis of RDF-encoded idea data. It enables you to overview imported idea texts and recurring themes by interactively marking concepts used within the idea texts.

Innovonto Orchard

Orchard is a web-based software that supports visual idea clustering. Orchard helps to elaborate and synthesize new ideas from online brainstorming sessions and to generate high-quality ideas (also called idea synthesis). Users can import already collected idea-sparks from, e.g., Greenhouse using RDF. Users can then place ideas on a digital whiteboard, summarize and filter ideas, create clusters based on similar ideas, name these clusters, and get an overview of existing categories. The user can export the results in RDF format again.

Innovonto Greenhouse

Greenhouse is a web application to crowd-source ideas and a research environment to inspect different online brainstorming aspects. It is based on challenges an organizer can define. Challenges include a title, description for the participants, and configurable inspirations available to the participants during brainstorming. The organizer can use a crowd-sourcing portal to distribute the challenge.


Innovonto-core is the name of the innovonto-knowledge graph server. The innovonto-core website combines a triplestore and a React-based frontend to provide the idea knowledge graph both as a SPARQL endpoint and a website that enables interactive exploration of the data.

Gepris Viewer

The geprisVis application is a web application for visualizing georeferenced data. The data sets come from the German Research Foundation's (DFG) funded project information system (GEPRIS). These are scientific projects that have been or are still being funded by the DFG. The visualization aims to show the geographical distribution of DFG projects as well as cooperating institutes and persons.


The ICV-Annotator is a tool for the interactive validation of automated links between words in idea texts and concepts in general knowledge databases. ICV stands for "Interactive Concept Validation." One way of analyzing ideation is to link words within an idea text to concepts within a general knowledge graph. We build a software called ICV-Annotator, to enable the interactive disambiguation, annotation, and linking of concepts within texts. This software consists of a frontend that allows the annotation and multiple backends that find annotation candidates for terms within a text. At the moment, a DBpedia/Wikipedia backend and a wordnet backend exist.


Neonion is a web application for the collaborative semantic annotation of texts. It supports semantic annotations and open standards but does not presuppose any knowledge about the technologies involved. It is the perfect fit for people who want their annotations to be exchangeable between different tools and projects.

»Augmenting Viktoria« - Mixed Reality in Museum Interpretation

The prototypical application »Augmenting Viktoria« inquires the design space of Mixed Reality (MR) in the context of object-centered digital museum interpretation. Our HoloLens-prototype supports non-expert visitors observing a sculpture by offering interpretation that is linked to visual properties of the museum object - the figurative sculpture »Viktoria« from the collection of the Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM). The HoloLens prototype was developed by the Research Group Human-Centered Computing in collaboration with museum4punkt0 (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz), Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM), and Framefield GmbH and funded by EXC Bild Wissen Gestaltung and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Associated Publication:
Glinka, K., Fischer, P. T., Müller-Birn, C., Krohn, S., Investigating Modes of Activity and Guidance for Mediating Museum Exhibits in Mixed Reality. In: J.H. Israel / C. Kassung / J. Sieck (Eds.). Kultur und Informatik: Extended Reality. Berlin: vwh