You are here: Foswiki>CompMolBio Web>Lectures>ReaDDy18 (04 Jun 2018, ChrisfrUserTopic)Edit Attach


Blockkurs 23 to 27 July 2018 9-15 h Takustr. 9 K46 (basement)


Depending on the number of participants the course may be moved from the computer lab to a larger lecture hall. In this case, participants are required to work on their own notebooks or in teams. Please note that ReaDDy supports Linux and macOS only and you should have a working installation of VMD.


Lecturer: Frank Noé
Assistant: Chris Fröhner
Language: English
course ID: 119402311
SWS: 2, LP/ECTS: 5, ungraded


FU students must sign up for this seminar in Campus Management.

Non-resident students should send an email stating name of home institute and study/research focus to christoph.froehner[at]


Reaction diffusion simulations are important tools for the modeling of signal transduction cascades in cellular processes. This seminar consists of lectures for the introduction to reaction-diffusion processes as well as "hands-on" computer exercises in which the particle-based reaction-diffusion simulator ReaDDy ( will be taught.

Reaktions-Diffusions Simulationen sind ein wichtiges Werkzeug zur Modellierung von Signaltransduktionskaskaden in zellulären Prozessen. Dieses Seminar beinhaltet Vorträge zur Einführung in die Modellierung und Simulation von Reaktions-Diffusions-Prozesses sowie eine "hands-on" Computereinführung in den partikelbasierte Reaktions-Diffusions Simulator ReaDDy (

Information for non-resident applicants

PhD students and PostDocs interested in ReaDDy are welcome to participate. To register, send an email to christoph.froehner[at] stating your affiliation and research focus.

How to find us

The workshop takes place at Freie Universität, Department of Mathematics and Informatics. The nearest bus stop is "Arnimallee" on the Bus X83 route (connecting U Dahlem with S + U Rathaus Steglitz)

For area map and directions see here.


Freie Universität does not operate on-campus guest houses or student dormitories. Therefore, participants from outside of Berlin must arrange their own accommodation. The best way to find accommodation and benefit from special deals is Districts well connected to campus are Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf as well as anything within the so called 'Ringbahn' loop. You can check travel times to our institute here, public transport journey planner.

Getting around

Berlin has an extensive public transit network (undergound, urban rail, buses, trams) with 3 tariff zones. Ticket AB (2.80€) will get you anywhere in Berlin including Tegel Airport (TXL). For Schönefeld Airport (SFX) you will need Ticket ABC (3.40€).


The workshop takes place during term break and the nearby student cafeteria will be closed. For lunch please bring your own provisions or use one of the following options:

FU Mensa | canteen | Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 | mensa card
Kantine Julius-Kühn-Institut | canteen |
Baci's Coffee | coffee shop | Königin-Luise-Str. 39 | soups, bagel, cakes
Asia Snack Dahlem | vietnamese | Königin-Luise-Str. 38
eßkultur in den Museen Dahlem | international | Takustr. 38-40 (via car park)


Name Sorted ascending Mail
Chris Fröhner scientific coordinator, registration inquiries christoph.froehner[at]
Topic revision: r13 - 04 Jun 2018, ChrisfrUserTopic - This page was cached on 13 Mar 2025 - 18:55.

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