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Registration in Campus Management and Whiteboard

Registration in Campus Management (CM)

At the beginning of the semester, it is important that you register in the Campus Management system all courses that you want to take, as agreed in the Learning Agreement. This makes it possible to earn credit points and grades. CM is the official platform where all your grades will be uploaded at the end of the semester. You need to register in CM to „prove“ that you are enrolled in a class.

When a lecture and "practice seminar" belong together, register for both.

Our International Mentor may help you with the use of the system, as well as with the MyCampus/Whiteboard Learning Management system.

Depending on your enrollment, you will see only a limited selection of courses; in case some of your courses are not offered, use the module registration form and drop it in the mailbox in front of the examination office. (As the reason for using the form, write: Erasmus.)

For late module registration, please use the same form and return it to the

Department of Mathematics/Computer Science and Physics
Examination Office
Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin
Email: maria.koekenhoff@fu-berlin.de
Web: http://www.imp.fu-berlin.de/fbv/pruefungsbuero/index.html

Registration in Whiteboard

At the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science there is another system you should register in separately from CM. It is called Whiteboard.

Whiteboard is a platform that is used to share documents, exercise sheets, register for tutorial classes etc. It is highly recommended registering for your courses in Whiteboard too, but not mandatory like CM.