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Mini Course: Probabilistic Yang-Mills theory

Lecturer: Prof. Ilya Chevyrev (Edinburgh & TU Berlin)

Abstract: In this minicourse, I will introduce Yang-Mills theory and its connections with probability. I will start with the YM lattice measure and show how, on a formal level, it scales to continuum geometric model. I will then survey several recent results on the YM Langevin dynamic, both on the lattice and in the continuum. It turns out that the dynamic can be used to reveal new properties about the YM measure, such as exponential decay of correlations on the lattice, and sharp regularity properties in the continuum.

Time and place:  January & February 2025
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 14:00--16:00h, Takustr. 9, SR006
Friday, Jan. 31, 10:00--12:00h, Arnimallee 7, SR031
Monday, Feb. 3, 10:00--12:00h, Arnimallee 3, SR019
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 14:00--16:00h, Takustr. 9, SR006