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Second Berlin-Leipzig Workshop on Fluctuating Hydrodynamics, September 19-20, 2023

Scientific Scope

In recent years, we saw great progress in the derivation, analysis and simulation of fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems via reduced models built from nonlinear stochastic PDEs, for example Dean-Kawasaki type or KPZ/Burgers type equations. Applications include classical particle models with physical motivations, but these methods are also important in opinion dynamics, where the number of interacting agents is large but far from infinite and therefore fluctuations are particularly relevant.

Since FHD is a topic that spreads between stochastic analysis, numerical analysis, physics and modeling, the main goal of our workshop is to create an environment where researchers from all these fields can meet, exchange ideas and challenges, and find a common language. This will result in fruitful discussions and hopefully many new projects. Participation in the workshop will be open to all MATH+ members (of course free of charge).

This workshop is the second one in a series which started very successfully in 2019 with the First Berlin - Leipzig Workshop on Fluctuating Hydrodynamics:
https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/en/math/groups/ag-numerik/ 2019_Fluctuating_Hydrodynamics/index.html

We plan to resume this series in the future with alternating workshops in Leipzig and Berlin.


Invited Speakers:

  • Lorenzo Bertini (Uni Roma)
  • Natasa Conrad (ZIB, Berlin)
  • Federico Cornalba (IST Austria)
  • Julian Fischer (IST Austria)
  • Benjamin Gess (U Bielefeld & MPI Leipzig)
  • Rishabh Gvalani (MPI Leipzig)
  • Carsten Hartmann (BTU Cottbus)

  • Daniel Heydecker (MPI Leipzig)
  • Vitalii Konarovskyi (U Bielefeld)
  • Helena Kremp (TU Wien)
  • Angeliki Menegaki (IHES Paris-Saclay)
  • Fenna Müller (U Leipzig)
  • Grigorios Pavliotis (Imperial College London)
  • Milica Tomasevic (CNRS - Ecole polytechnique)


Scientific Committee:

Ana Djurdjevac (FU Berlin), Benjamin Gess (U Bielefeld & MPI Leipzig), Avi Mayorcas (TU Berlin), Nicolas Perkowski (FU Berlin), Max-K. von Renesse (U Leipzig)

Organizing Committee:

Ana Djurdjevac (FU Berlin), Ralf Kornhuber (FU Berlin), Avi Mayorcas (TU Berlin), Nicolas Perkowski (FU Berlin)







Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik 
Seminar Room 019 
Arnimallee 3 
14195 Berlin


Hotel Steglitz International


Hotel Anna 1908



There is no participation fee.

Please register until August 30th, 2023 by a short mail to:

Silvia Hoemke
(stating: full name, title, affiliation)