G. Marcelli,T. Bottinelli Montandon, R. Ebrahimi Viand, and F. Höfling,
Fluid flow inside slit-shaped nanopores: the role of surface morphology at the molecular scale,
arXiv:2411.04882 [cond-mat.soft].
X. Zhong, F. Höfling, and T. John,
Hydrogen diffusion in garnet: insights from atomistic simulations,
arXiv:2410.07724 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
F. Höfling and A. V. Straube,
Langevin equations and a geometric integration scheme for the overdamped limit of homogeneous rotational Brownian motion,
arXiv:2403.04501 [cond-mat.soft].
A. V. Straube and F. Höfling,
Depinning transition of self-propelled particles,
Phys. Rev. E 110, L062601 (2024)].
S. Roy and F. Höfling,
Critical surface adsorption of confined binary liquids with locally conserved mass and composition,
Mol. Phys. 122, e2391998 (2024).
A. V. Straube and F. Höfling,
Memory effects in colloidal motion under confinement and driving,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57, 295003 (2024).
F. Höfling and S. Dietrich,
Structure of liquid–vapor interfaces: perspectives from liquid state theory, large-scale simulations, and potential grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction,
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 104107 (2024).
B. Hilder and U. Sharma,
Quantitative coarse-graining of Markov chains,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56, 913 (2024).
R. Patterson, M. Renger, and U. Sharma,
Variational structures beyond gradient flows: a macroscopic-fluctuation-theory perspective,
J. Stat. Phys. 191, 18 (2024).
V. Skoblin, F. Höfling, S. Christgau,
Gaining Cross-Platform Parallelism for HAL's Molecular Dynamics Package using SYCL,
29th PARS Workshop 2023, Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, Bd. 36 (2023), arXiv:2406.04210 [cs.DC].
D. R. M. Renger and U. Sharma,
Untangling Dissipative and Hamiltonian effects in bulk and boundary driven systems,
Phys. Rev. E 108, 054123 (2023).
M. Fazelzadeh, E. Irani, Z. Mokhtari, and S. Jabbari-Farouji,
Effects of inertia on conformation and dynamics of tangentially driven active filaments,
Phys. Rev. E 108, 024606 (2023).
A. V. Straube, S. Winkelmann, and F. Höfling,
Accurate reduced models for the pH oscillations in the urea-urease reaction confined to giant lipid vesicles,
J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 2955 (2023).
M. J. del Razo, S. Winkelmann, R. Klein, and F. Höfling,
Chemical diffusion master equation: formulations of reaction–diffusion processes on the molecular level,
J. Math. Phys. 64, 013304 (2023).
A. Montefusco, U. Sharma, and O. Tse,
Fourier-Cattaneo equation: stochastic origin, variational formulation, and asymptotic limits,
arXiv:2211.07265 [math.AP].
M. J. del Razo, D. Frömberg, A. V. Straube, Ch. Schütte, F. Höfling, S. Winkelmann,
A probabilistic framework for particle-based reaction-diffusion dynamics using classical Fock space representations,
Lett. Math. Phys. 112, 49 (2022).
E. Irani, Z. Mokhtari, and A. Zippelius,
Dynamics of bacteria scanning a porous environment,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 144501 (2022).
F. Legoll, T. Lelièvre, and U. Sharma,
An adaptive parareal algorithm: application to the simulation of molecular dynamics trajectories,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 44, B146 (2022).
Z. Mokhtari, R. I. A. Patterson, and F. Höfling,
Spontaneous trail formation in populations of auto-chemotactic walkers,
New J. Phys. 24, 013012 (2022).
T. Breiten, C. Hartmann, L. Neureither, and U. Sharma,
Stochastic gradient descent and fast relaxation to thermodynamic equilibrium: a stochastic control approach,
J. Math. Phys. 62, 123302 (2021).
U. Sharma and W. Zhang,
Non-reversible sampling schemes on submanifolds,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 59, 2989 (2021).
A. V. Straube, S. Winkelmann, Ch. Schütte, and F. Höfling,
Stochastic pH oscillations in a model urea–urease reaction confined to lipid vesicles,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 9888 (2021).
R. Klein, R. Ebrahimi Viand, F. Höfling, and L. Delle Site,
Nonequilibrium induced by reservoirs: Physico-mathematical model and numerical tests,
Adv. Theory Simul. 4, 2100071 (2021).
D. Frömberg and F. Höfling,
Generalized master equation for first-passage problems in partitioned spaces,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 215601 (2021).
A. Gholami, F. Höfling, R. Klein, and L. Delle Site,
Thermodynamic relations at the coupling boundary in adaptive resolution
simulations for open systems,
Adv. Theory Simul. 4, 2000303 (2021).
Y. Pathania, D. Chakraborty, and F. Höfling,
Continuous demixing transition of binary liquids: finite-size scaling from the analysis of sub-systems,
Adv. Theory Simul. 4, 2000235 (2021).
Featured article:
R. Ebrahimi Viand, F. Höfling, R. Klein, and L. Delle Site,
Communication: Theory and Simulation of Open Systems out of Equilibrium,
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 101102 (2020).
F. Höfling and S. Dietrich,
Finite-size corrections for the static structure factor of a liquid slab with open boundaries,
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 054119 (2020).
Cover story in October:
A. V. Straube, B. G. Kowalik, R. R. Netz, and F. Höfling,
Rapid onset of molecular friction in liquids bridging between the atomistic and hydrodynamic pictures,
Commun. Phys. 3, 126 (2020).
C. Hartmann, L. Neureither, and U. Sharma,
Coarse graining of nonreversible stochastic differential equations: Quantitative results and connections to averaging,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 52, 2689 (2020).
R. L. Stoop, A. V. Straube, T. H. Johansen, and P. Tierno,
Collective Directional Locking of Colloidal Monolayers on a Periodic Substrate,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 058002 (2020).
M. Dibak, C. Fröhner, F. Noé, and F. Höfling,
Diffusion-influenced reaction rates in the presence of pair interactions,
J. Chem. Phys. 151, 164105 (2019).
Editor's Suggestion:
A. V. Straube, J. M. Pagès, P. Tierno, J. Ignés-Mullol, and F. Sagués,
Collective dynamics and conformal ordering in electrophoretically driven nematic colloids,
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 022008(R) (2019).
J. L. Abbott, A. V. Straube, D. G. A. L. Aarts, and R. P. A. Dullens,
Transport of a colloidal particle driven across a temporally oscillating optical potential energy landscape,
New J. Phys. 21, 083027 (2019).
J. M. Pagès, A. V. Straube, P. Tierno, J. Ignés-Mullol, and F. Sagués,
Inhomogeneous assembly of driven nematic colloids,
Soft Matter 15, 312 (2019).
L. Delle Site, C. Krekeler, J. Whittaker, A. Agarwal, R. Klein, and F. Höfling
Molecular dynamics of open systems: construction of a mean-field particle reservoir,
Adv. Theory Simul. 2, 1900014 (2019).
R. Stoop, A. V. Straube, and P. Tierno,
Enhancing nanoparticle diffusion on a unidirectional domain wall magnetic ratchet,
Nano Lett. 19, 433 (2019).
J. M. Pagès, A. V. Straube, P. Tierno, J. Ignés-Mullol, and F. Sagués
Coexistence of nonequilibrium phases in assemblies of driven nematic colloids,
arXiv:1806.09913 [cond-mat.soft].
A. V. Straube, J. M. Pagès, A. Ortiz-Ambriz, P. Tierno, J.Ignés-Mullol, and F. Sagués
Assembly and transport of nematic colloidal swarms above photo-patterned defects and surfaces,
New J. Phys. 20, 075006 (2018).
U. Choudhury, A. V. Straube, P. Fischer, J. G. Gibbs, and F. Höfling,
Active colloidal propulsion over a crystalline surface,
New. J. Phys. 19, 125010 (2017).
P. K. Radtke, A. L. Hazel, A. V. Straube, and L. Schimansky-Geier,
Stochastic dynamics of resistive switching: Fluctuations lead to optimal particle number,
New J. Phys. 19, 093007 (2017).
M. P. N. Juniper, U. Zimmermann, A. V. Straube, R. Besseling, D. G. A. L. Aarts, H. Löwen, and R. P. A. Dullens,
Dynamic mode locking in a driven colloidal system: experiments and theory,
New J. Phys. 19, 013010 (2017).
S. Leitmann, F. Höfling, and T. Franosch,
Dynamically Crowded Solutions of Infinitely Thin Brownian Needles,
Phys. Rev. E 96, 012118 (2017).
S. Roy, S. Dietrich, and F. Höfling,
Structure and dynamics of binary liquid mixtures near their continuous demixing transitions,
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 134505 (2016).
F. Martinez-Perdrero, H. Massana-Cid, T. Ziegler, T.H. Johansen, A.V. Straube, and P. Tierno,
Bidirectional particle transport and size selective sorting of Brownian particles in a flashing spatially periodic energy landscape,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 26353 (2016).
S. Leitmann, F. Höfling, and T. Franosch,
Tube concept for entangled stiff fibers predicts their dynamics in space and time,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 097801 (2016).
D. S. Banks, C. Tressler, R. D. Peters, F. Höfling, and C. Fradin,
Characterizing anomalous diffusion in crowded polymer solutions and gels over five decades in time with variable-lengthscale fluorescence correlation spectroscopy,
Soft Matter 12, 4190 (2016).
M. Spanner, F. Höfling, S. C. Kapfer, K. R. Mecke, G. E. Schröder-Turk, and T. Franosch,
Splitting of the universality class of anomalous transport in crowded media,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 060601 (2016).
W. Schirmacher, B. Fuchs, F. Höfling, and T. Franosch,
Anomalous magneto-transport in disordered structures: classical edge-state percolation,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 240602 (2015).
Editor's choice:
F. Höfling and S. Dietrich,
Enhanced wavelength-dependent surface tension of liquid-vapour interfaces,
EPL 109, 46002 (2015).
S. K. Schnyder, M. Spanner, F. Höfling, T. Franosch, and J. Horbach,
Rounding of the localization transition in model porous media,
Soft Matter 11, 701 (2015).
P. de Buyl, P. H. Colberg, and F. Höfling,
H5MD: a structured, efficient, and portable file format for molecular data,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 185, 1546 (2014).
M. Spanner, S. Schnyder, F. Höfling, Th. Voigtmann, and T. Franosch,
Dynamic arrest in model porous media: intermediate scattering functions,
Soft Matter 9, 1604 (2013).
Review article:
F. Höfling and T. Franosch,
Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells,
Rep. Prog. Phys. 76, 046602 (2013).
M. Kopp and F. Höfling,
GPU-accelerated simulation of colloidal suspensions with direct hydrodynamic interactions,
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 210, 101 (2012).
P. H. Colberg and F. Höfling,
Highly accelerated simulations of glassy dynamics using GPUs,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 182, 1120 (2011).
S. K. Schnyder, F. Höfling, T. Franosch, and Th. Voigtmann,
Long-Wavelength Anomalies in the Asymptotic Behavior of Mode-Coupling Theory,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 234121 (2011).
M. Spanner, F. Höfling, G. E. Schröder-Turk, K. Mecke, and T. Franosch,
Anomalous transport of a tracer on percolating clusters,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 234120 (2011).
F. Höfling, K.-U. Bamberg, and T. Franosch,
Anomalous transport resolved in space and time by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy,
Soft Matter 7, 1358 (2011).
T. Franosch, M. Spanner, T. Bauer, G. E. Schröder-Turk, and F. Höfling,
Space-resolved dynamics of a tracer in a disordered solid,
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357, 472 (2011).
J. Horbach, Th. Voigtmann, F. Höfling, and T. Franosch,
Localization phenomena in models of ion-conducting glass formers,
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 189, 141 (2010).
T. Bauer, F. Höfling, T. Munk, E. Frey, and T. Franosch,
The localization transition of the two-dimensional Lorentz model,
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 189, 103 (2010).
T. Franosch, F. Höfling, T. Bauer, and E. Frey,
Persistent memory for a Brownian walker in a random array of obstacles,
Chem. Phys. 375, 540 (2010).
M. R. Horton, F. Höfling, J. O. Rädler, and T. Franosch,
Development of anomalous diffusion among crowding proteins,
Soft Matter 6, 2648 (2010).
T. Munk, F. Höfling, E. Frey, and T. Franosch,
Effective Perrin theory for the anisotropic diffusion of a strongly hindered rod,
Europhys. Lett. 85, 30003 (2009).
A. Kammerer, F. Höfling, and T. Franosch,
Cluster-resolved dynamic scaling theory and universal corrections for transport on percolating systems,
Europhys. Lett. 84, 66002 (2008).
F. Höfling, E. Frey, and T. Franosch,
Enhanced Diffusion of a Needle in a Planar Array of Point Obstacles,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 120605 (2008).
F. Höfling, T. Munk, E. Frey, and T. Franosch,
Entangled Dynamics of a Stiff Polymer,
Phys. Rev. E 77, 060904(R) (2008).
F. Höfling, T. Munk, E. Frey, and T. Franosch,
Critical dynamics of ballistic and Brownian particles in a heterogenous environment,
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 164517 (2008).
F. Höfling and T. Franosch,
Crossover in the Slow Decay of Dynamic Correlations in the Lorentz Model,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 140601 (2007).
Cover page:
F. Höfling, T. Franosch, and E. Frey,
Localization Transition of the 3D Lorentz Model and Continuum Percolation,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 165901 (2006).
C. Timm, F. von Oppen, and F. Höfling,
Magnetic susceptibilities of diluted magnetic semiconductors and anomalous Hall-voltage noise,
Phys. Rev. B 69, 115202 (2004).
F. Höfling, C. Nowak, and C. Wetterich,
Phase transition and critical behavior of the d=3 Gross-Neveu model,
Phys. Rev. B 66, 205111 (2002).