North German Algbraic Geometry Seminar Winter 2015 (1.-22. Dezember 2015)
Day of Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry in Berlin, March 12, 2015 ( poster)
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry--A conference on the occasion of Hélène Esnault's move to Berlin (June 10-14, 2013)
Syzygies in Berlin (May 27-31, 2013)
Workshop: "Extremal Laurent polynomials and Fano varieties (14. - 16.12.2011)
Summer School in Algorithmic Mathematics 2011(10.- 14. August 2011, Berlin)
Summer School in Algorithmic Mathematics 2010 (16.- 20. August 2010, Berlin)
North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar Winter 2009 (19.- 20. November 2009)
Complex Algebraic Geometry a workshop on the occassion of Herbert Kurke's 70th birthday (9.-10. Oktober 2009)
Workshop on deformation theory in algebraic and differential geometry (17.-18. Dezember 2007)
Workshop on Seiberg-Witten Theory (2. Dezember 2006)
Workshop on Derived Categories (16.-17. Juli 2006)
Workshop on T-Varieties ( 3.- 4. August 2006)
Kolloquium zum 60. Geburtstag von Herrn Reinhard Bölling, (13.-14. November 2004)
9. Berliner Tag der Mathematik 2004