TI III: Betriebs- und Kommunikationssysteme
Typ | Vorlesung |
Dozent/in | Dr. Georg Wittenburg |
Institution | Institute of Computer Science Freie Universität Berlin |
Semester | WS 08/09 |
Veranstaltungsumfang | |
Leistungspunkte | 5 |
Raum | Takustraße 9 HS 008(except for the last lecture on 13.2.2009 which will take place at Hörsaal 001, Arnimallee 2-6) |
Beginn | 17.10.2008 |
Zeit | Time: Friday, 10:00-12:00
Basic text books for this course:
William Stallings. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 6th Edition. Prentice Hall International, April 2008. ISBN-10: 0136006329, ISBN-13: 9780136006329.
Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie. Computernetze - Eine systemorientierte Einführung, 3. Auflage. dpunkt Verlag, Heidelberg, Dezember 2007, ISBN 978-3-89864-491-4.
Advanced text books for this course:
Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Moderne Betriebssysteme, 2. Auflage. Pearson Studium. Mai 2002. ISBN: 3827370191.
Erich Ehses, Lutz Köhler, Petra Riemer, Horst Stenzel und Frank Victor. Betriebssysteme, 1. Auflage. Pearson Studium. August 2005. ISBN: 3-8273-7156-2.
Gary Nutt. Operating Systems –A Modern Perspective, Addison Wesley. 2002. ISBN: 0-201-74196-2.
Kurose, J. F., Ross, K. W.: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Wokingham, England, 2003, ISBN 0-201-97699-4.
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall PTR. March 22, 1988. ISBN: 0-13-110362-8.
Ross L. Richardson. C Standard Library.http://www.utas.edu.au/infosys/info/documentation/C/CStdLib.html.
The GNU C Library. http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libc/index.html.
Josh Aas. Understanding the Linux CPU Scheduler. February 2005.
The results of the second exam are now available (see below).
Tuesday, 21. October 2008, 12-14h SR2006, ZIB Takustr. 7
Tuesday, 4. November 2008, 12-14h SR2006, ZIB Takustr. 7
Friday, 19. December 2008, 12.45-14.15h SR053, Takustr. 9
Friday, 19. December 2008, 14.30-16h SR005, Takustr. 9
C Course (optional)
The course constists off two parts. The first takes place in week one, the second in week two.
Monday, 24. November 2008 / 1. December 2008, 8:00 - 9:30, K38
Wednesday, 26. November 2008 / 3. December 2008, 10:15 - 11:45, K38
Thursday, 27. November 2008 / 4. December 2008, 10:15 - 11:45, K38
The C course material is avialable for download.
Klausur: Friday, 20. February 2009, 10-12h, Hörsaal der Physiologie, Arnimallee 22
The results of the exam are on display on the notice board between rooms 148 and 149.
Klausureinsicht: Thursday, 5.3.2009, from 10:00 to 12:00 in room 137 (Contact Stephan Schröder for alternatives if you really can't make it.)
Nachklausur: Thursday, 9. April 2009, 10-12 h, HS 200, Takustr. 9
The results of the exam are on display on the notice board between rooms 148 and 149.
Contact Stephan Schröder before 28.4.2009 to have a look at the corrections.
No additional material, tools, etc. are allowed; paper will be provided. Please bring a pen and avalid passport or photo ID.
Criteria for Successful Participation
Active participation in the tutorials is essential!
Minimum n-2 times present
Hand in your assignments on time
Teamwork is required with two students per team
Successful submission of at least n-2 assignments
Successful = at least 50% of the max. number of points
Each student with a correct answer must be able to present the assignment during the tutorials
At least one presentation during the tutorials
At least 50% of the max. number of points required in the exam
Only the exam counts for grading!