Dr. rer. nat. Dipl. Inform. Dipl. Kaufm. Tobias Fritsch

Post Graduate Titles:
Doctor rerum naturalium | PhD equivalent | computer science | FU Berlin |
Diplom Kaufmann | MBA equivalent | business administration | FU Berlin |
Diplom Informatik | Master equivalent | computer science | FU Berlin |
Nebenfachdiplom Psychologie | Bachelor equivalent | psychology | FU Berlin |
Upcoming Titles:
Doctor BA (Dr.BA) | PhD equivalent | business administration | Nottingham Trent |
Master VWL (M.Sc.) | Master equivalent | economies | Fernuni Hagen |
Master Soziologie (M.A.) | Master equivalent | sociology | Fernuni Hagen |
Achivements (shortcut)
- Skipping the 10th grade at school.
- During school, successfully taking part in university-level math courses offered for high-skilled students.
- Graduating with the school & years best grade at the highschool (1,27).
- Parallel studies (computer science) during my social service year.
- Exceptional grades at the pre-diploma thesis (overall grade 1,7)
- Exceptional grades at the computer science studies(overall grade "very good" = 1,0).
- Fastest student in computer science at the FU-Berlin: time to finish my diploma was 6,5 semesters instead of 11-12 semesters.
- Parallely studies of business administration during my PhD.
- Fastest student in business administration at the FU-Berlin: time to finish my diploma was 4 semesters instead of 9 semesters.
- Very good results at the business administration studies (overall grade 1,9).
- Overtaking and leading of the university research project Mobile Gaming.
- During the PhDs: publishing of over 14 papers on different top-level international conferences.
- Massive parallel studies: Multiple Doctorial Thesis' and Post-Graduation Degrees (Masters) during my full time employment.
- Various project leading experiences as well as management experience.
Curriculum Vitae
05/2009 - pending | Assistant to Allianz CIO: Working as an assistant for to the executive officer for the CIO at the Allianz AG. Main working fields are strategical reorganisation and transformation projects. |
06/2008 - 05/2009 | Top-Management Consultant: Working at the top management strategy consulting firm A.T. Kearney at the rank of an Associate. Main project focus is the Communication and High Tech Practice. |
01/2005 - pending | Project Leader: Leading the research project Mobile Gaming at the Freie Universität Berlin. Caretaking and guiding students at their master thesis'. |
07/2008 - pending | Doctorial Thesis: The PhD work at the Nottingham Trent University includes international publications Graduated and studied at the Nottingham Trent Parallel work as a professional consultant Graduation: Dr. BA. |
07/2004 - 02/2008 | Doctorial Thesis: The PhD work at the university included 8 international publications as well as leading the Mobile Gaming project. Graduated and studied at the FU Berlin Parallel studies of business administration during the PhD Graduation: Dr. rer. nat. |
10/2009 - pending | Graduate studies as Master in sociology: Master in sociology (regular time is 6 semesters) Parallel studies during my full time employment as an assistent of a board member Graduated and studied at the Fernuni Hagen Graduation: M.A. soc. |
06/2008 - pending | Graduate studies as Master in economies: Master in economies (regular time is 6 semesters) Parallel studies during my professional consulting work Graduated and studied at the Fernuni Hagen Graduation: M.Sc. oec. |
06/2006 - 01/2008 | Graduate studies in business science: Finished the master in 4 semesters (regular time is 9 semesters) Parallel studies during my PhD work at the university Graduated and studied at the FU Berlin Graduation: Diplom Betriebswirt – Master equivalent |
10/2000 - 02/2004 | Graduate studies in computer science and psychology: Finished the master in 6.5 semesters as fastest computer science student ever at the FU-Berlin (regular time is 10-11 semesters) Internship and external graduation at the T-Nova GmbH Parallel studies during my social year Graduation: Diplom Informatiker – Master equivalent |
03/2002 - 12/2002 | External diploma thesis and internship: Internship diploma thesis at the T-Nova GmbH Focus: programming robots and helping to design a next generation household Topic: “Der Heimroboter im Spannungsfeld zwischen Endgerät und OSGI Schnittstelle“ Working as a freelancer for the T-Nova GmbH, further supporting the “next generation technological household” project |
10/1998 - 02/1999 | Attending at the math courses at the FU - Berlin which supported high-skilled students from schools in Berlin. |
06/1992 - 05/2000 | Leonardo da Vinci Highschool, successfully skipping the 10th grade. Graduating with the overall school's and year's best result of 1,27. |
06/1986 - 06/1992 | Mattias Claudius Grundschule in Berlin (elementary school) |