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Matthias Wählisch wins Nachwuchspreis of the Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam

This year's Young Talents Award of Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam was dedicated to outstanding achievements in advancing the Internet. The jury honors Matthias for his advanced and extensive contributions to Internet Group Communication with a 2.500 € support for his future research.

News vom 26.05.2011

Matthias Wählisch, research assistant at the CST group, has received an exceptional honor. In the presence of Internet co-inventor Vinton Cerf he was awarded with the 2.500 € Nachwuchspreis of the Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam. "His remarkably long bibliography and his contributions to scientific events", so the jury, "impressively demonstrate that Matthias is well integrated in the international research community".

Two years ago and in the presence of Rob Kahn, the other co-inventor of the Internet, Matthias was already a winning team member of the IPv6 Application Contest. They received 10.000 € for their fully IPv6-compliant video conferencing application.


For further information see press release of the Universität Potsdam.