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Reconstructing the visual perception of honey bees in complex 3-D worlds

Tim Landgraf, Johannes Polster, Julian Petrasch, Randolf Menzel – 2018

Over the last decades, honeybees have been a fascinating model to study insect navigation. While there is some controversy about the complexity of underlying neural correlates, the research of honeybee navigation makes progress through both the Analysis of flight behavior and the synthesis of agent models. Since visual cues are believed to play a crucial role for the behavioral output of a navigating bee we have developed a realistic 3-dimensional virtual world, in which simulated agents can be tested, or in which the visual input of experimentally traced animals can be reconstructed. In this paper we present implementation details on how we reconstructed a large 3-dimensional world from aerial imagery of one of our field sites, how the distribution of ommatidia and their view geometry was modeled, and how the system samples from the scene to obtain realistic bee views. This system is made available as an open-source project to the community on http://github.com/bioroboticslab/bee_view.

Reconstructing the visual perception of honey bees in complex 3-D worlds
Tim Landgraf, Johannes Polster, Julian Petrasch, Randolf Menzel
Erschienen in
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.07560
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15 pages