Blending in with the Shoal: Robotic Fish Swarms for Investigating Strategies of Group Formation in Gruppies
Tim Landgraf, Hai Nguyen, Joseph Schröer, Angelika Szengel, Romain J.G. Clément, David Bierbach, Jens Krause – 2014
Robotic fish that dynamically interact with liv fish shoals dramatically augment the toolset of behavioral biologists. We have developed in Guppies and similarly small fish. This contribution presents full implementation Details of he System and promising experimental results. Over long durations our robots are able to integrate themselves into shoals or recruit he group to exposed locations hat are usually avoided. This system is the first open-source projekt for both software and hardware components and is supposed to facilitate research in the emerging field of bio-hybrid societies.
Blending in with the Shoal: Robotic Fish Swarms for Investigating Strategies of Group Formation in Gruppies
Tim Landgraf, Hai Nguyen, Joseph Schröer, Angelika Szengel, Romain J.G. Clément, David Bierbach, Jens Krause
Springer International Publishing Switzerland
biomimetic robots, biomimetics, swarm intelligence, social behavior, social networks, swarm tracking
Erschienen in
Living Machines 2014, LNAI 8608. Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Living Machines 2014, Milan.
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