Software und Open Source Projekte der AG Corporate Semantic Web
An Aspect-Oriented Ontology Development Plug-In for Desktop Protégé 5
Our plug-in extends the Protégé Ontology Editor (link is external) by a set of useful features for Aspect-Oriented Ontology Development, such as
- Definition of pointcuts using the SPARQL (link is external) query language.
- An inference service extension for aspect-oriented ontologies that infers entailments caused by the presence of aspects.
Aspects as Editing Context: A Widget for the WebProtégé OWL Editor
We are taking the complexity out of Aspect-Oriented Ontology Development with our editing component for Web Protégé (link is external) that lets ontology developers use aspects as editing contexts which can be switched by the click of a button.
Aspect OWL API
Our aspect-oriented extension of the OWL API (link is external) allows Semantic Web application developers to make use of the benefits of Aspect-Oriented Ontology Development (AOOD) programmatically simply by adding Java annotations (link is external) to their code.
Visit GitHub project (link is external)
Aspect OntoMaven
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A Java library for ISO Common Logic and OWL ontologies and a reference implementation for the work-in-progress standardization effort API for Knowledge Platforms (API4KP).
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Provalets are rule-based software agents that act as inference component providing rule-based data access, processing and analytics functionalities using the Prova rule engine and language. Provalets are automatically deployed in trusted OSGi component run-time environments such as OSGI-compliant smart edge devices, as well as more centralized cloud infrastructures, ESBs or agent frameworks. The component-based agent model of Provalets allows encapsulating data intensive routines and rule-based analytic, decision and reaction logic at the component (e.g. device) level, ensuring, e.g., interface-based access, data/information hiding and privacy.
Contact: Adrian Paschke (link is external)
RoleDisc Plugin for Confluence
RoleDisc is a plugin that provides Role Discovery features within the collaborative software Confluence. Still in a prototype phase, the plugin provides a visual representation of the users who worked on each page as well as a global graph that shows the interactions between users and assigns roles to each one of them. Future releases will also mine the content of the pages to provide deeper insights about the activities of all actors in the system.
Contact: Ahmad Hasan (link is external)
CER System Prototype
The CER System Prototype is a smart knowledge management platform. It integrates advanced information extraction capabilities and builds a knowledge graph where coherent entity structures can be extracted in ordert o offer better insights into certain topics. A full description can be read in our technical reports
Contact: Alexandru Todor (link is external)
DBpedia WebProtege Integration
The DBpedia WebProtege integration system allows the management of the DBpedia Ontology trough an intuitive ontology development interface. It solves many problems in the current Wiki Approach such as mass renaming, version management, user collaboration, detection of inconsitencies etc.
Contact: Alexandru Todor (link is external)
Ontology Modularization Framework
The Ontology Modularization Framework is based on the SONIVIS:Tool for network analysis and allows for easy ontology analysis and modularization. (more)
SVoNt - SVN-based ontology versioning
SVoNt is a version control system for ontologies based on the SVN-system which is well-known from software engineering. The major difference to other approaches for ontology versioning is our focus on the visualization of revisions of changes on the concept level. (more)
OntoMaven - Maven-based ontology project management
OntoMaven is a set of Maven plug-ins supporting the management and engineering of ontologies from distributed (Maven) ontology repositories. (more)
Ontology Grouping and Documentation Tool
To support the processs of creating such concept groups for the documentation of ontologies we extended the SpecGen tool with an automatic concept grouping functionality. (more)
COLM - Corporate Ontology Lifecycle Methodology
COLM is based upon a two parts ontology lifecycle, which has been concluded from requirements that we derived from an analization of industrial needs. (more)
Agile ONTOCOM 2 - Agile Ontology Cost Estimation Model
An extension of the ONTOCOM cost estimation model for agile ontology development in the COLM life cycle. (more)
Semantic Search and Semantic Recommendation
Corporate Semantic Web Search and Semantic Recommendation solutions, tools and use cases. (more)
SemMF - A Semantic Matching Framework
SemMF is a flexible framework for calculating semantic similarity between objects that are represented as arbitrary RDF graphs. (more)
SAF4M - A Semantic Annotation Framework for Multimedia
A framework supporting the semantic annotation, publishing and search of multi-media contents. (more)
Semantic Complex Event Processing
Usage of background knowledge about events and their relations to other concepts in the application domain can improve the expressiveness and flexibility of complex event processing systems. (more)
Prova - A Distributed Corporate Semantic Web Rule Engine
Prova is a highly expressive distributed Corporate Semantic Web rule engine which combines declartive rules with dynamic object-oriented Java, Semantic Web technologies, and enterprise service-oriented computing and complex event processing technologies. (more)
Rule Responder - Semantic Agent Architecture
A Rule-based Agent Architecture for Semantic Business Process Managment (SBPM), Semantic eScience, Semantic Complex Event Processing (SCEP), personalized Question-Answering Systems, Semantic Web Reputation and Trust Management and the Pragmatic Web. (more)
Process Makna
A Semantic WIKI for Semantic Business Process Management and Workflow. (more)
Oryx BPMN PlugIn - Semantic Business Process Annotation
A Semantic Extension PlugIn for BPMN Modeling Tool Oryx. (more)
loomp - Web 3.0 Content Authoring
Loomp is a Web 3.0 Semantic Content Authoring tool developed by the Corporate Semantic Web group. It supports: (1) Create semantically enhanced content as easy as to format texts italic, without knowing about semantic technologies, and with automatically proposed annotations. (2) Compile content and publish in various formats. (3) Support the reader by highlighting the relevant information. (more)
Wiki Link Recommender
In this project we develop extensions to existing wiki systems that ease the pain of creating links between wiki pages. (more)
Wiki Expert Finder
Finding Experts in a Collboration Wiki (more)
Extreme Tagging
Tagging has become the most common way of annotating information and knowledge in a wide range of applications. The activity of tagging consists in creating an association between a resource (information) and another entity (a tag). (more)
Trend Mining Ontology
Trendontologies improve the quality of automated trend detection. We used a knowledge-based approach and utilized formalized expert knowledge which we used to model three lightweight trend ontologies. (more)
RDF Preprocessing
In order to retrieve RDF-triples from a text stream, we have to preprocess texts. Our preprocessing component uses statistical parser from Stanford University and creates a timeline with parsed texts. (more)
DBPedia Deutsch
DBpedia Germany, the structured information from the German Wikipedia.
DBpedia Deutsch stellt die strukturierten Informationen der deutschen Wikipedia frei zur Verfügung. Dabei ist dies ein Teil des internationalen DBpedia Projektes, wobei wir uns auf die Extraktion und Bereitstellung der Informationen der deutschen Wikipedia beschränken. (more)
DBPedia Deutsch Spotlight
DBpedia Deutsch Spotlight is a web service for the annotation of the DBpedia Deutsch resources in German language texts. (more)
leoné - a Light-weight Editor of Ontologies for Non-Experts
At the moment some ontology editors are available to model ontologies in research and industry, e.g., Protegé, TopBraid Composer, and OntoStudio. However, these tools are too complex and offer too much functionality that even experts in semantic technologies can hardly operate them properly. In contrast, our work focuses on developing an easy-to-use and light-weight ontology editor which can be used by non-experts w.r.t. semantic technologies. (more)
Contributions to Semantic Technology Standards
Deliberation RuleML 1.0 (paper, lecture script, handbook chapter)
Standard for Deliberation Rules
Reaction RuleML 1.0 (paper, tutorial, lecture script, handbook chapter)
Standard for Reaction Rules and rule-based Complex Event Processing
Standard for Web Rules Interchange (part of W3C Semantic Web Stack)
W3C Health Care and Life Sciences Knowledge Base
The W3C Health Care and Life Science Interest Group (W3C HCLS IG) develops and supports the use of Semantic Web technologies and practices to improve collaboration, research and development, and innovation adoption in the Health Care and Life Science domains.
Standard for Legal Rules and Legal Reasoning
Standard for (distributed) APIs for Knowledge Bases
EPTS Reference Architecture and Reference Model (paper, tutorial presentation)
Reference Architecture and Reference Model for Event Processing Architectures (including Design Patterns for Event Processing)