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DRS program summer 2018

News vom 09.04.2018

The course program of the Dahlem Research School for the summer term 2018 is online and booking is now open. You can check out the complete program on the course booking site. Here are some highlights for the start of the semester:


Grant proposal writing is essential for aspiring academics and our two one-day courses in German (April 19th) and English (April 20th) offer the possibility to learn about funding options and aspects of grant writing from a leading expert in the field.

There are a few remaining places for international doctoral candidates at the Free University in the special business training program, DRS Pro Business. International doctoral candidates who think the basics of business might come in handy for their future career can apply until April 13th.  Please note that the program is held in German. 

For postdocs and junior faculty, two courses on leadership skills are offered: Intelligent Leadership: How to Lead a Group of Smart People in a Larger Organization, on May 7th and 8th and Leadership Core Certificate – Grundlagenworkshop (LCC I), the first part of the certificate program in leadership, on on May 14th and 15th.

Postdoctoral researchers looking for alternative career options might be interested in the coaching group for postdocsPlan B für Postdocs: Profilentwicklung für den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt, which begins on May 4th