Publications listed as CRC 1114 publication MUST necessarily acknowledge CRC 1114 and DFG. (for detailed information see CRC-Guidelines 1.1)
Especially emphazise the research that was done jointly by two or more CRC 1114 projects together.
Highlight publications done by more than one project by stating "... together with project(s)..." at the end of the publication.
SFB 1114 - overall list of publications
Publications sorted by research area
A02 - Multiscale data and asymptotic model assimilation for atmospheric flows
A04 - Efficient calculation of slow and stationary scales in molecular dynamics
A05 - Probing scales in equilibrated systems by optimal nonequilibrium forcing
A08 - Characterization and Prediction of quasi-stationary atmospheric states
B01 - Fault networks and scaling properties of deformation accumulation
B03 - Multilevel coarse graining of multiscale problems
B05 - Origin of scaling cascades in protein dynamics
B08 - Multiscale Boltzmann Generators
B09 - Materials with Discontinuities on Many Scales
C01 - Adaptive coupling of scales in molecular dynamics and beyond to fluid dynamics
C02 - Interface dynamics: Bridging stochastic and hydrodynamic descriptions
C03 - Multiscale modelling and simulation for spatiotemporal master equations
C06 - Multiscale structure of atmospheric vortices
C09 - Dynamics of rock dehydration on multiple scales
C10 - Numerical analysis for nonlinear SPDE models of particle systems
Publications through the Mercator-Fellowships and Young Investigator Program (YIP)