Workshops in 2021
- CECAM Workshop "Discussion Meeting on Generalised Langevin Equations" (30.08. - 01.09.2021)
Workshops in 2020
- ZIB/FUB Workshop "Simulation of complex social systems - large-scale and reduced models for decision support" (10. - 11.03.2020
Workshops in 2019
- GAMM Workshop "Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science" (24.10. - 25.10.2019)
- Workshop "Mathematics for the Human Past" (09.12. - 10.12.2019)
Workshops in 2018
Numbio-Workshop "Complex Systems" (10.-17.03.2018)
CECAM-Meeting (12.03.-14.03.2018)
- CECAM-Workshop (23.-25.07.2018): "Frontiers of coarse graining in molecular dynamics"
Workshops in 2017
ESDW8: Meso- and Multiscale Modelling
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Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems 2017
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Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis
Workshops in 2016
SON2016 - 7th International Workshop on Set Oriented Numericsfurther information
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Numerical methods for optimal control of open quantum systems
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Efficient Methods for Multiscale Simulations and Data Analysis
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Workshops in 2015
Molecular and Chemical Kinetics 2015
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Recognizing the Relevance of Change: Analysis and Control of Time-evolving Networks in Epidemiology and Evolutionary Medicine
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Long running trends and upcoming traditions in the numerical treatment of PDEs (Conference)
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6th International Workshop on Advances in Scientific Computing
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Workshops in 2014
Scale-Bridging Techniques in Molecular Simulation: A Critical Appraisal
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How proteins can shape and sense membranes - a closer look at hybrid models
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Interdisciplinary Workshop on recent progress in set-oriented Numerics and Networks Research
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