Industry Cooperation 2004-2007: Tebis AG
AG Mathematical Geometry Processing
FB Mathematik und Informatik
Principal Investigator:
Research Team:
- Tebis AG, Munich
- DFG Research Center Matheon "Mathematics for key technologies"
- Matheon Project F4: Geometric Shape Optimization
Tebis AG, Munich
Jul 01, 2004 — Aug 30, 2007
Class-A denotes the highest quality standard for industrial surfaces such as a car body. The characterization and computation of Class-A surface involve serious mathematical challenges:
- Mathematical characterization of Class-A surfaces.
- Non-linear energy functionals and error bounds based on geometric properties.
- Real-time optimization methods for CAD modeling processes.
We offer software solutions for mesh optimization - preserving non-linear features and providing noise removal for industrial 3D meshes.